This is an Epic Tier commission, featuring three characters from Fate/Grand Order. Like this client’s commission last January, it’s themed towards the New Year’s holiday, with the sake and the counting down. Doing three full-body characters in one pic was a bit of a challenge and took a while to work through (especially with some of the designs elements), but I worked on it a little at a time and was eventually able to push through to the end. ^_^ The characters (from left-to-right) are Shuten Dōji, Ritsuka Fujimaru, and Ibaraki Dōji. Ritsuka’s the player character (in this case, the female version, the male version appeared in a POV Christmas commission from this same person in December), and the idea here is that, as a human, she’s not able to take the sensations as calmly as the two oni. The big red guys are also meant to be oni, in case that wasn’t clear, though not any specific ones.

So here’s a commission of Jeanne d’Arc (Alter)/Jeanne Alter (Fate/Grand Order characters have like a dozens names and I have no idea how to refer to any of them) and her master, Ritsuka Fujimaru (male version). I’m not very up-to-date with the Fate/ franchise. I watched Fate/Stay Night a long time ago, read some of the manga and played the game that anime was based off of. I don’t know a single thing about the phone game or any of the plot developments or versions since then. It’s a complex and confusion franchise that I don’t entirely understand.
Anyway, this pic is specifically about Alter’s Santa outfit from a recent release on the app, I guess? It’s a cute design, even if I had a bit of trouble with it. I hope you all enjoy this extra little bit of festive goodness. ^_^