Tag Archives: Ochaco Uraraka

Ochaco Uraraka Character Ask 6

There’s been a handful of Asks for Roshi since he debuted in Caway’s NHML, mostly pairing him with different attractive younger ladies. I’m down for that, personally, as long as there’s an angle I can attack the pairing from. In this case, I kinda liked Ochaco getting special training from Roshi, who is of course sticking to his buff form in his shoots. Also, while I think Roshi’s tastes probably would go more towards Momo, Mina or Camie in the MHA sphere, something about him getting Ochaco’s girl-next-door self appealed to me here.

Coed Capers After Lights Out, Page 7

And here is our final page of Coed Capers! A couple of scripts had the girls outlasting the boys, and I thought seeing Gohan and Deku fall asleep together would be cute. The main theme I saw in the submitted scripts was the boys following through on Rumi’s request to give it to Uraraka, and it looks like she enjoyed it. Next time around we’ll be starting a new bi comic, wonder what it’ll be?

February ’23 One-Shot

Here’s the One-Shot comic for February 2023, using a script submitted by one of my Subscribers per usual. The idea here was framed as an inter-school competition of some sort between U.A. and Jujutsu Tech, though I don’t know if these scenes depict the contests themselves or just the participants having fun on their own during the event. Either way, there’s a lot of popular characters here, so I hope y’all will enjoy seeing them interact here.

Butt Witch’s Busy Weekend, Page 7

For this page, someone I draw a bit more frequently stops by! Sort of like with Judy Abbott, Ochaco has several friends in the chat right now, and I thought seeing their varying reactions to her appearance would be fun. Also, I just really like drawing Ochaco, and I knew B.W. would have fun with her big, juicy butt.

The next guest star will be another lady, and like Ochaco she’s coming to us from a franchise I draw pretty frequently.

Ochaco For Rent

This pic started from a convo on my Discord, which got me wanting to put Ochaco in some sort of bondage/restraint. I ended up sketching a few different poses and types of restraint, some of which I may ink and color later, but for now this is the one I went with. While I was inking it, I got a few extra ideas that I thought would add some spice to it. Since I’d drawn Ochaco looking off to the side, I added a mirror, and some papers on the other wall, adding a little bit of narrative and tying this pic to the U.A. Wall series. I like the idea of Toga renting Ochaco for some private fun, though she has to return her to the wall in one piece once her rental period is over. How she spends that time is left to y’all’s imagination.

August ’22 One-Shot

Here’s the One-Shot for August! The theme for the script that won this time around was Trunks and Goten invading the U.A. dorms. The script called for either the End of Z or the new Super Hero designs of Goten and Trunks, which was a toss-up for me. I kinda prefer Trunks’ lavender hair, I only really liked the blue coloring for Future Trunks as a way to distinguish him from the main timeline version. On the other hand, I do like the tweaks to Goten’s design, as I feel he looks a bit more like Goku’s kid than Yamcha’s now. In the end I went with the Super Hero designs, just because I hadn’t used them yet and I figured people might appreciate the novelty.

Coed Capers After Lights Out, Page 5

Here’s the fifth page of Coed Capers! Like always, this page was written by my supporters on SubscribeStar. We finally get a bit of straight action, though surprisingly enough it also seems like the comic is winding down already. I kind of expected this one to run longer, but it’s possible the next page will be our last.