Tag Archives: Twelve Forever

Butt Witch Character Ask 12

I’ve hinted at it before and outright said it a few times, but despite some characters choosing to live day-to-day in their younger bodies, everyone in the Studio is an adult. Butt Witch is a character who hates immaturity more than anything, and I’ve shown before that her relationship with Reggie/Twelve in the Studio is a little different (evidenced most by Twelve’s chat history in Butt Witch’s Busy Weekend). I figured this Ask would be a good chance to reinforce this canon, though, and I went with one of the younger-bodied characters around to help demonstrate it.

Studio Christmas Party Highlights 2024

As has become tradition, here is a compilation of some moments from this year’s Studio Christmas party. Hiro Hamada won the lottery to get chosen as the official Studio Santa this year, but as you can see he’s not the only one sporting the look. I had a lot of fun putting together this year’s party, and I tried to fit in an eclectic selection of characters. I hope there’s a little something for most everyone here, and I’d like to wish you all Happy Holidays and a Merry Christmas.

Pearl Character Ask 1

Butt Witch and Pearl is a crack pairing I’m rather fond of. I’m planning to eventually have Pearl involved in Butt Witch’s Busy Weekend in some capacity, so I didn’t want to do anything futa with them in this Ask (plus in general I’m looking to keep Butt Witch’s futa content mostly in that comic), but I thought a little foot fun between them might be a nice change of pace.

NHS Calendar #2 – May (Bulma/Butt Witch)

When I saw Bulma and Butt Witch get paired up in the character raffle that set up these pages, I knew I wanted Bulma to top the green butt woman. Bulma’s got a bit of a reputation with strapons, and Butt Witch has been topping a lot more than usual thanks to the nature of her comic, so this is both a return to form for Bulma and a change of pace for Butt Witch.

Butt Witch’s Busy Weekend, Page 12

Here’s the twelfth page of Butt Witch’s Busy Weekend! Najimi was originally going to be the eleventh page, but they got pushed back a spot to make room for Cheetara. They finally get their turn now, and it seems like they had fun. I figured it’d be in-character for them to dress up a bit for the stream, and I’m happy with how the page turned out in the end.

Also, for anyone interested, here is the Q&A video I did for Subscribers last month:

Studio Life Magazine 8 with the Butt Witch

This is another nomination-driven cover, where I asked Subscribers to give me non-human characters that could appear on the cover. There were a lot of good nominations, but I decided to give it to the Butt Witch. Not only am I personally fond of her, of course, but I think of her as a big part of my brand. I know not everyone in my audience likes her as much as I do, but I enjoyed doing something outside of BWBW with her. I feel like it’s been a while since I’ve done a non-futa pic with her. I actually have a few other Butt Witch pics that I’m hoping to work on soon, too, so there might be a bit more of her before too long.

Butt Witch’s Busy Weekend, Page 11

This is a unique page for this comic, and I’ll explain why. One of my Lord Tier Subscribers, in lieu of their usual bi-annual commission, asked if they could instead nominate the next guest for Butt Witch’s Busy Weekend. Since it was a character I thought fit the comic, and they agreed to forgo any other input on the page, I allowed it. This is the same Subscriber responsible for all my other Cheetara content, and the page itself was handled the same as any other page would’ve been. Cheetara usually seems to get a pretty good reaction, so I hope some of y’all will enjoy seeing her take some green futa cock here.

Butt Witch’s Busy Weekend, Page 10

I decided to go with Velma for the next guest on Butt Witch’s livestream. A while ago I wrote an AI-assisted story involving Velma and the Butt Witch (as well as Mitsue) that’s set in the Studio, and referenced it a bit in the dialogue here. I also referenced the “Best Ass” series of polls I ran on Twitter some time ago, where Velma beat Butt Witch in one of the early rounds. I thought these connections would give them some material to work with for a dynamic, even though this is the first time I’ve drawn them together. I’ll begin working on the next page soon, though who can say when it’ll be ready to release.

Studio Christmas Party Highlights 2023

Continuing the new tradition I started last year, for Christmas this year I want to take a little look at the annual Near Hentai Studios Christmas Party. A couple of these panels were ideas I had last year but couldn’t do, either because I ran out of space or because the character(s) I wanted to use hadn’t publicly debuted yet. Others are just ideas off the top of my head this year, and hopefully we got a fun mix of appeals. Also we get to see our 2023 Studio Santa again, and I immediately had this idea for how Scorpia would work in this role, which I think is fun. At any rate, I hope most of you can enjoy at least one of these panels, and I’m already looking forward to trying out more ideas next year!

Futa Witch

This is a pretty old sketch from October of 2019. At the time I hadn’t done as much futa Butt Witch content as I have by now, so it was more of a novelty to show her fucking Reggie like this. I still liked the drawing, though, and when I needed some quicker pics to work on to keep my upload schedule I decided to dust it off for inking and coloring. Hope y’all enjoy it, I really want to do more BW/RA content eventually (futa or non).