Tag Archives: Teen Titans

Jinx Character Ask 1

I feel like this is a topic I’ve covered before, but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to revisit it. Canonically, the Studio isn’t a place characters come and go from, but a thriving community where they all live and socialize. Of course, the real reason I chose this Ask to answer is that I haven’t drawn Jinx since a big group Teen Titans pic I did early in my career, and I wanted to revisit her.

Near Hentai Studio Tour – “Hungry” Version

It sadly took me over a year to put everything together, but finally the complete “Hungry” version of Near Hentai Studio Tour is complete. This update includes the latter half of the planned Food Court characters, meaning the Food Court is now a pretty busy place with a lot of characters. Added in this version are Wendy, Beast Boy, A-ko, Ron Stoppable, Roxy and Chica, plus a new strip club scene. Each of the new interactive characters works at a stall in the Food Court, so you’ll have to meet them there before being able to find them outside of work.
The next update I have planned will focus on just one character, but will be structured very different than previous versions. I don’t know yet exactly how it’ll go as far as development time, but my hope is I’ll be able to get it out faster than this one. We’ll see, though, so no promises.

NHS Calendar #2 – February

I can’t believe it took me this long to get around to the February page of our second Calendar project. I suspect finishing the first NHS Calendar made me unknowingly file it away as “finished” in my head, and I just haven’t gotten deep enough into this second Calendar for it to feel real yet. Regardless, I did manage to get our second page out, with Beast Boy getting paired up with the Freeman boys. Since February is the month of love and all, I decided to put them in a love hotel.

Alien Registration – Starfire: Registered

“Alien Registration” is an idea I’ve been bouncing around for a little bit. Some of you may remember a Space Dandy One-Shot I did a while back, where Dandy “registered” four alien girls from his own series. What you might not know is, before that script one, the same Subscriber had submitted a different draft of it where Dandy was instead “registering” alien girls from other franchises. I kinda liked that idea, so I’m considering that One-Shot to be the unofficial start of this series, but here going forward they’ll be little one-off pics like this rather than comic pages.

Dandy might register some other aliens from Space Dandy, though mostly this series will be a crossover. It also won’t be purely straight, I think Dandy will need to be okay with registering some male aliens here and there. I think this is a fun little concept, and I hope y’all will enjoy it.

June ’23 One-Shot

The winning Subscriber-submitted script for June 2023 features Raven, Starfire and Terra having some fun with our boys Goten and Trunks. This one’s pretty straightforward, and kinda feels like the old One-Shots from early in my Patreon career. I hope y’all will enjoy it, I feel like it’s been a minute since we’ve seen Goten and Trunks tag teaming some folks (or since we’ve seen these three Titans together).

Titans Tower Nights Page 07

It took way longer than I’d planned, but here’s (finally) page seven of Titans Tower Nights. I’d planned to do another page or two of this comic on this rotation, but with how long this one ended up taking I feel like maybe it’s a sign to move on for now. So we’ll put this one back on the shelf for now, and move on to Space Emperor Slut as soon as I can find the time to work on it.

Raven Fingering

This here’s another Mini Commission for one of my Subscribers. They asked to see the movie version of Raven fingering both her lower holes, and here we are. I’ve personally only seen one of the animated films with Raven in them, so this design can’t resonate with me the same as her television series one, but I do like this design and I hope y’all will enjoy seeing it for a second time here.

Mother Mae-Eye’s Pie

In her self-titled episode, Mother Mae-Eye uses mind control powers to turn the Teen Titans into “good kids”. I don’t want to get too much into the episode itself, but I wanted to make use of her mind control, and Raven’s pigtailed look from the episode seemed like a fun one to work with. I guess it’s all pretty straightforward, I just wanted to see Raven slobberin’ on that big ol’ ass.

Raven Float

This is another of those simple pics I mentioned working through earlier. I think when I sketched this one I was just thinking it’d be fun to do something with Raven’s hood being up, and from there I liked the idea of her cape hanging behind her while she floats and shows off her body some. Pretty simple stuff, but I always enjoy drawing Raven’s feet.