I haven’t posted anything like this in a while, but one of my fans commissioned this art of Siat Wildstar and Machete Devilstrife from my old comic Eromugen. The artist here is bbmbbf, who many of you may know from Palcomix. It was an incredily sweet gift, I think, and I’m told there’s more on the way eventually. I wanted to share it here with all of you as a bonus post today, since I though it was pretty cool.
New page for the NHS Calendar, the project where the top performers (most frequently appearing) in the Near Hentai Studio get paired up randomly. I decided to keep Trunks and Goten as a pair for this, and they ended up with Siat, the protagonist of my old comic Eromugen. I imagine most of my followers today know her better as the girl who introduces you to the Studio in my game. Anyway, here she is with big half-Saiya-jin dicks in her.
Here’s the One-Shot I did for December, selected from nominations sent in by my supporters. Of course the holidays referenced in this comic have now passed, but it was more timely for my supporters. ^_^; This one presented a couple of unique challenges. First, was that I have very little experience working with the Fairly OddParents style (I’ve drawn it before, but it’s been ages). I did my best to find a compromise between my more realistic approach I usually use and the uber-stylized designs of the original characters. Also, the last panel was left completely open to me (except the dialogue). I decided that, since the pic was presented as a message from the Studio versions of characters, I should use Siat Wildstar, who’s sort of the mascot of the Studio. Since her panel is all about looking forward to the new year, too, I decided to work in a “look forward” theme, with her training three new characters (or, in Kefla’s case, a combination of two characters already in the Studio). Darkness is the last of the main KonoSuba girls for me to bring in, and Nessa’s a popular new character I’ve gotten a few requests for. Seras in the first panel is also new, though she’s been nominated for NHML maybe a dozen times. It’s also fun to bring in Mrs. Claus from the comic I did with CCat for Christmas 2018, paired again with her favorite boys, Mace and Jackie.
PC Version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1F7O8rHQnzAZruHdbd2mEy3WHUinEsAaX/view?usp=sharing
Mac Version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yuO3jlNL0mRCVOAbmNTCjJlXBKFUB0d8/view?usp=sharing
To run the game, just download the appropriate version (Only PC and Mac versions available so far), unzip the folder and open the .exe file inside.
Okay, so here’s something a little different! For the longest time, I’ve been really interested in visual novel/dating sim type games. I used to play translated ones from Japan back in high school, but in the past few years I’ve been seeing more and more of them crop up online from the west. I really enjoy a lot of these games, and for a couple years I’ve been toying with the idea of dipping my toe in those waters. About a year ago I experimented with making an Applebridge game, but the idea I had for that was a bit too ambitious and would’ve kept me from getting other art done. Here recently I had a new idea, however, and I think I can pull this one off.
So this is the first build, which I’m calling the “Test Run” Version, since that’s really what this is. I coded/wrote the game with stock image assets just to make sure I actually could, and then added in art and music and stuff after. Since it is just a test, though, it’s also very sparse. If you download this and play it, don’t expect a lot of content. There’s one handjob scene and one stripping scene in the game, both of which are pretty easy to find and access. What I plan to do is add in one new interactive character and one more strip club character with each update, and eventually there’ll be a good amount of content here. The new characters will alternate gender each update (so this one has Siat you can talk to, and a boy in the strip club, so the next update will feature a boy you can talk to and a girl in the strip club). I let my supporters vote on who the first character added in would be, and they picked Sora from Kingdom Hearts. So, look forward to being able to interact with him in the next update. ^_^ I’m working on it right now, and it’s pretty close to ready. Once I finish it, you’ll see it crop up in the Post Schedule. The next update will also feature a revamped soundtrack. The songs in this version were grabbed off YouTube (license-free), but I hired someone to make some original tracks for future versions.
I want to stress that this is a game I’m making almost entirely by myself. I’m doing the writing, coding, and art single-handedly (I did not make the music or sound effects). On top of that, I have zero experience with Ren’Py, the program I’m making this in, so I’m just learning how to do things as I go. I want to make this clear because I know there’s often some expectations for frequent updates with games that have a team of people who know what they’re doing, but that’s not what this is. I’m a lone amateur, who is still creating daily new content for you all while doing this on the side. Updates will come when they come, but their could be a long stretch between them. I don’t want anyone getting their hopes up to high on that front. I’m very, very excited to be making this and I’m working on it as often as I can, but realistically there’s only so much I can do.
Also, here’s the QnA video I did last month, for anyone who’d like to watch it:

This was another “world building” Ask that I got to have some fun with (sorry it’s a bit wordy as a consequence). I haven’t talked much about -where- the Near Hentai Studios is, but it’s basically not set in any sort of reality or established fiction… Like, just picture it more like a self-sustaining city-island floating in a void. That’s probably close enough, right? But anyway, I figured of my characters, Lillian would be the most fitting to be in charge of tentacle monsters. She’s the incarnation of Halloween spirit, and that gives her an affinity for anything spooky or horror-themed, like Lovecraftian eldritch abominations.
So this is the result of a concept I’ve been trying to get a grasp on for some time. Originally it was going to just be one character “training” new hires in a series of yuri pics, but I decided to open it up to have a bit more potential with the pairings.
For those who don’t know, a fun little concept I’ve been running with lately is that my content is created within a fictional porn studio, where the cartoon characters gather and live and interact when the cameras aren’t rolling. A number of the Character Asks I’ve done have relied on this idea, but I think this series will let us have a bit more fun with it.
My character choices for this pic are reflective of the potential I see in the concept. In the center is Siat Wildstar, who is an O.C. of mine and sort of the mascot of the Near Hentai Studios. On the left is Chi-Chi, a regular around these parts who’s been featured in many pics I’ve done. On the right is C.C. from Code Geass, a character I haven’t drawn before but who is being introduced through this series.
Even though this series was originally a yuri-specific one, and the main ideas I have for it right now are all yuri, I do not foresee it staying that way. I hope to see straight and yaoi crossovers in this series in the near future, provided people like it enough that I stick with it.
This Ask came as a bit of a surprise! I knew Anya had been thinking about Siat lately, but I still hadn’t ever actually expected her to get asked anything. For those who don’t know who she is, Siat Wildstar was the protagonist of a comic I tried doing from 2011-2014. It had a real good run and I enjoyed doing it, but other pressures kind’ve got in the way and I haven’t released a new page in forever. It was fun to draw Siat again, though, for the first time in years.
I like these meta questions/answers, too. I’ve always enjoyed the idea of Near Hentai operating like a regular porn studio, with the characters I draw all being actors who interact backstage like normal people would, and these sorts of Asks provide me with a good chance to explore how that works and flesh the concept out a little bit.