Tag Archives: Son Goten

PBX – Home With the Boys

I contacted Pandora’s Box (still one of my favorite artists after so many years), asking for permission to post and share some colorizations. I was given the go ahead, so here’s the first of what I hope will be many PBX colors.

Like with DTiberius, I inked and colored the whole thing. I know most colorists prefer to keep the original pencil work and lay it over the colors (I have some old PBX colors I did a few years ago where I did just that), but I don’t personally like how that looks. The pencils look great, no mistake, but something about placing them over the colors distorts the colors in a way I don’t like. Even colorizing the original work leaves me unsatisfied, so I take the tedious task of inking on top of coloring instead. I hope you all enjoy the final product.