NHS Calendar #2

NHS Calendar #2 – March (Goten/Vegeta)

Here’s the March page for our second calendar. In the first one I had Trunks and Goten as a unit, but I decided to use a different version of Trunks and so decided to split them up during the pairing-up stage. Goten ended up with Trunks’s dad, Vegeta, and lucky for me I already had a picture of them in the works at the time. So, I set that drawing aside, and then added some fun St. Patrick’s Day stuff to make it a more suitable March page.

NHS Calendar #2 – February

I can’t believe it took me this long to get around to the February page of our second Calendar project. I suspect finishing the first NHS Calendar made me unknowingly file it away as “finished” in my head, and I just haven’t gotten deep enough into this second Calendar for it to feel real yet. Regardless, I did manage to get our second page out, with Beast Boy getting paired up with the Freeman boys. Since February is the month of love and all, I decided to put them in a love hotel.

NHS Calendar #2 – January (Helen/Gon/Killua)

I don’t normally make any effort to tie this calendar project to the months/holidays associated with it, but since I managed to get this page done before New Year’s I decided to rearrange the public release schedule so it can be my official New Year’s post. Since I normally post the One-Shot on the first this’ll also mean pushing that back a day, but that’s okay.
This is my new Calendar project. Like the first one, I’ve taken the top performers in the Studio (that is, the characters with the most frequently-used tags on the public site) and used a randomizer to create twelve random pairings. The lineup has changed slightly since the first Calendar, but there will be a lot of recurring faces. Our first page here sees Gon and Killua, who shared a slot in the pairing process, getting together with Helen Parr of The Incredibles. Gon and Killua got to work with Chi-Chi in the last Calendar, and Helen’s early Studio work had her getting double teamed by Trunks and Goten a lot, so this feels like a somewhat poetic match-up to me. I put them in the same location as some older New Year’s content I did on commission years ago, complete with a little letter banner in the background.