The March 2021 Near Hentai Monthly Lady is Cloudy Jay (or Cloudy J, I’ve seen both used), better known as CJ from Regular Show. I watched a bit of Regular Show a couple years ago, but I fell out of it before she was introduced. Looking into her, it seems she was a girlfriend of Mordecai for a bit, and a rival of Margaret. While I never really considered Regular Show to be a series I wanted to draw, of the characters I met when I watched it, Margaret was probably the character I would’ve been most interested in at the time. I’ve always enjoyed some good rival sex, even if CJ an Margaret don’t appear to be have quite as palpable a dislike for each other as many other rivalries, so I decided to pair them up for this pic. When I shared the lineart with my subscribers, there were a few jokes about Mordecai being in the corner jerking off. I didn’t want to draw a full new Mordecai pic to add to this one, but I did kinda like the idea so I added him into the background here for a bit of comedic effect.
With this post, NHML nominations for the month of April are now open. For those who don’t know, I’ll run down the rules real quick. Nominations are limited to one per person. You can nominate any female character you want, provided I have not drawn her within the past calendar year (though I prefer characters I’ve never drawn, period). Previous NHML winners are not eligible for a second time. Nominees must also not be from the same franchise as this month’s winner, Regular Show. If you violate any of those rules, I’ll let you know, and you can nominate someone else. I know it can be hard to keep track of these things. You may nominate by either commenting in the cBox, commenting on this post, or emailing me ( I’ll compile a list of the nominees in the sidebar of this site, and then on April 1st I will use a randomizer to select the winning character who I will proceed to draw sometime that month. I look forward to seeing who you all nominate this time around!
Stephanie McMahon WWE Camp
Moka Akashiya (Rosario + Vampire)
The Phantom Futa, the mascot of Futanari Obsession afew years back when it was active. I want to know if this nomination will work XD
Kaori Saeki (Bible Black)
Wilykit (Thundercats 2011) for NMLH
Ursula the Sea Witch (regular cecaelia version)
Dorothy Gale from Lost in Oz.
Xinyan (Genshin Impact)
Tsunade (Naruto)
Mirajane fairy tail solo
Toph Beifong (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
C 18 solo asshole
Jaina Solo Fel (Star Wars Legends)
Hinoko [Naruto]
Aquarius from Fairy Tail
Michiko Malandro from Michiko and Hatchin
Can I nominate Alluka Zoldyck (Hunter x Hunter) for NHML? Are trans girls allowed?
Yeah, that’s fine.
Rei Saotome (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX)
Moana from Moana
Tsukasa (Tonikaku)
Ajimi Kiki (Pripara)
Sarah Scorpion (Space Pirate Sara)
Shanghai.EXE from Genso Network, let’s goooo
Mavis Vermillion | Fairy Tail
Btw, I noticed you forgot to add a character:
Sarah Scorpion (Space Pirate Sara)
nominated by user coco
I did not forget. The user coco has already nominated a different character under another username, and so is banned from nominating this month.
Minatsuki Takami (Deadman Wonderland)
Sakura Haruno(Naruto Shippuden)
Bad Launch (Dragon Ball)
Sayaka (danganronpa)