Tag Archives: Hank Hill

Come to Bed

I didn’t watch much King of the Hill when it originally aired. I did check out an episode here and there, and while I do remember liking it well enough it wasn’t quite as flashy as The Simpsons or later Family Guy. The art style also wasn’t super appealing, and the fact that my mom liked it didn’t help it seem any cooler at the time. Recently, though, I’ve decided to revisit the series and have been watching it from the beginning. I like it quite a bit more now, and I feel like I probably wouldn’t have understood or appreciated a lot of its humor when I was younger. As I’m writing this I’m only in season three, so there’s a lot of show left where it could fall off, but right now it’s really strong and I’m having fun with it.

With the revisit has come me wanting to draw a bit more of the characters. I don’t expect there to be a huge explosion of King of the Hill art or anything, but I’d like to touch on a few characters at least. One character I wasn’t expecting to like as much as I have is Peggy. Peggy’s designed to be somewhat homely, but she’s far from ugly and her personality is way more charming than I remembered. She obviously has her flaws, and I’m under the impression she’s less likable in later seasons, but early on she’s incredibly charming and I wanted to take a moment to show her some appreciation. At first this was just a pin-up, but I decided to have a bit more fun here with a bit of dialogue and throwing in a small appearance from Hank.