January ’14 WWOTM – Molotov Cocktease

The WWOEC Woman of the Month for January 2014 is Molotov Cocktease. I’m a big Venture Bros. fan, so this was fun for me. I found a pretty good reference for the boys and ran with it, and I think the end result is pretty satisfying. I wouldn’t mind revisiting this series again with future works, though Molotov would probably be pretty far back in the line as far as women I’d want to draw.

Ultimate Muscle Commission 2

So some time ago I did an Ultimate Muscle bisexual threeway commission. I mentioned at the time that it was part of a set of three, and now here’s the second part. Ultimate Muscle is the name used in America for the dub of Kinnikuman Nisei, the sequel series to one of my favorite retro anime, Kinnikuman.

Here we see Terry “The Grand” Kenyon (Terry the Kid in Japan), put in a Boston Crab by Tamaky Maekawa as she pegs him. He’s rimming Wally Tusket (Seiuchin), one of his friends/teammates in the show. I hope everyone likes this one, and the third and final piece of the series is in progress.

PBX – Home With the Boys

I contacted Pandora’s Box (still one of my favorite artists after so many years), asking for permission to post and share some colorizations. I was given the go ahead, so here’s the first of what I hope will be many PBX colors.

Like with DTiberius, I inked and colored the whole thing. I know most colorists prefer to keep the original pencil work and lay it over the colors (I have some old PBX colors I did a few years ago where I did just that), but I don’t personally like how that looks. The pencils look great, no mistake, but something about placing them over the colors distorts the colors in a way I don’t like. Even colorizing the original work leaves me unsatisfied, so I take the tedious task of inking on top of coloring instead. I hope you all enjoy the final product.

Eromugen Page 34

We’re nearing the end of Chapter Two, now. It’s taken a long while, due more to my slow update schedule than anything, but there should only be a page or two left before we can begin Chapter Three. I hope everyone’s still enjoying the comic, because I have a lot more chapters planned for the future (I’ll probably be doing this comic for as long as I’m doing erotic artwork, actually).

Camp Woody Ch. 1 – Camp Chaos Page 3

Finished coloring the third page of Camp Woody. I’m still surprised at how quickly these pages are finishing, it usually takes me much longer to color my own work.

Speaking of my own work, I’ll be posting the newest Eromugen page sometime tomorrow, if everything goes according to plan.

Writer: Slim
Producer & Editor: Jayrich & No Pants
Artists: 60W/Linno
Colorists: Nearphostison (Me)

Camp Woody Ch. 1 – Camp Chaos Page 1

I recently took on the role of colorist for Slim’s comic Camp Woody. Attached here is the first page, with more to come as I get around to it. The comic has its own Tumblr where you can follow its development: https://cwoodycentral.tumblr.com/

The funny thing is, I had been planning my own summer camp crossover comic like this when I came across it. Chance are I’ll still visit that idea in the future, as it was still very different than this product, but the coincidence was significant enough that I just had to mention it.

Writer: Slim
Producer & Editor: Jayrich & No Pants
Artists: 60W/Linno
Colorists: Nearphostison (Me)

December ’13 WWOTM – LaBarbara Conrad

I somehow found the time to wrap up my WWOEC Woman of the Month pic for December. I went through several ideas for this one, including an incest pic with her son and something involving limbo. In the end I went this route, mainly because I needed to keep it simple in order to complete it on time with all the Christmas fuss distracting me.

Originally Barbados wasn’t in this pic. My reference pic and my original sketch neither showed the guy’s face. However, after realizing how shocked LaBarbara looked (my intent had been moaning, but she looked shocked to me after I inked it), I decided to add the infidelity angle to pull it together. I think a negative side effect of that decision was Barbados’ body not lining up perfectly with his head, but I tweaked the lines some and I don’t think it’s distracting.

I was really concerned when I started this that I wouldn’t be able to adapt the Futurama/Simpsons style well. I’ve always found porn of those shows very subjective, and I think only very talented artists can successfully pull the style off and keep the picture sexy. While I don’t feel I completely nailed it here, I think I did well enough that I’d be comfortable doing other Futurama or Simpsons work in the future. I definitely think there are a few characters I’d like to draw, so if I find the time I may do that.

Toothless and Astrid Commission

Here’s a commission I recently did of Astrid and Toothless from DreamWorks’ “How to Train Your Dragon”. This image presented a unique challenge in Toothless, who differs greatly from what I’m used to drawing. Still, it was fun to learn a new body type, and I’m pretty satisfied with the end result of his scales, which was also something new I had to learn. Hopefully everyone will enjoy this picture as much as I did making it!