So this is another pic I started a long time ago and decided to come back to. It’s a pretty simple Izzy pic, but it’s nice to have him officially in the Near Hentai canon (if you will). He’s a cute boy and one I’ve wanted to do more with for a while now. We’ll see if I ever get around to him again. ^_^;

So of course this Ask is referring back to the earlier one I did with T.K. and Matt, where Sora is recording them. I believe that was the first time I ever drew Sora (though I’d colored pics with her in them before), but this person immediately seized on the idea of this Ask as a way to see more of her. I have an idea for a pic I may do some day where Sora gets her wish from the end of her answer, though we’ll see.
At first I was thinking this one would involve them shooting some first-person P.O.V. stuff, but even though that would’ve been easier to draw I thought it’d be a little boring. I’ve already drawn T.K. and Matt in a P.O.V. once, and might do it again, but I think adding Sora in as a cameraperson adds an extra layer of interest. She’s all too happy to volunteer for the job, ’cause she just loves watching Matt play the slut for his little brother.
Here’s another Digimon Character Ask, this one directed at T.K. I had a bit of trouble figuring out how to answer this one, since the established versions of Matt and T.K. that I’ve drawn before seem to contradict something this question takes for granted. I’ve only ever drawn them paired together, so I felt like the answer had to address this misunderstanding.