Tag Archives: Ragyō Kiryūin

Satsuki Kiryūin Character Ask 3

So, I think Satsuki is one of those characters who would prefer to have nothing to do with her mother after she arrived in the Studio. However, I think the changed context of the Studio, where Ragyō no longer has direct power of Satsuki, might change how she feels about her over time. I picture this slow transition, where Satsuki experiences more things through the other times we’ve seen her and stuff, and eventually opens up to having a physical (though probably not emotional) relationship with her mom. It’s a little kinky, but I think it’s fun and I definitely enjoy drawing these two in positions like this. So I see these two as sort of like Blackfire and Starfire, where probably the “domme” figure has some built-up resentment and negativity that fuels how she interacts with the other, but the “sub” is able to play into that for their own benefit as well.

Ragyō’s Girls

I’ve been wanting to do a pic along these lines for a while now. A few months ago I decided to go ahead and try it out. Originally this pic was just Ragyō with Satsuki and Ryūko, which was kinda the vibe I was going for. I had a lot of empty space, though, and decided to throw Rei in as well. I’ve always liked her look, and I figured using her here would be a good excuse to get her into the Studio. It felt a little weird to include Rei and not Nui, though, so even though I’m not that fond of Nui I decided to work her in for good measure. Now we’ve got a pretty busy pic, something I don’t do that often, but we get three new girls from the series into the Studio, plus some fun Ryūko/Satsuki BDSM.