So there was only one script submitted this month, meaning this page is sort of like a throwback for our monthly ongoings in that it’s one Subscriber’s singular vision. This is not personally the direction I would’ve taken this comic at this point, but here we are.
Here’s page five of Beach Treat! I don’t think there’s much I can say about this page right now, but I tried to keep the story moving in a reasonable direction with the scripts I had. It felt like some ideas were eager to jump to a point that didn’t feel natural to me from where we were, and I hope those Subscribers don’t get discourage that their ideas didn’t show up here. I’m not against them, but I don’t want to force them in just to move the comic in that direction. I think this page flows naturally from the last, and I’m curious to see where we go from here.
Here’s the fourth page of Beach Treat, our Yuri Ongoing comic on SubscribeStar. Normally I let the Subscribers fully handle ideas for new pages, but I had this image of the first two panels here in my head and wanted to do them. So I counted that as the first panel of the four allotted, and let the Subscribers handle the rest. Hope y’all enjoy the page!
For the second page of Beach Treat I had a difficult balance to strike with the submitted scripts. The final page I settled on is kind of its own thing removed from any one direction people were pushing the comic, I think, but uses elements from what was submitted to get there. The first panel is something I really wanted to work into this comic but didn’t think would fit in later, though, so I kinda pulled an executive decision to fit it in.
This month we begin our new yuri ongoing comic, replacing Pajama Party Pussy. It seems people wanted to see some of the Chainsaw Man ladies having some fun. At first I was worried about how this comic would mess up the narrative I had going with Denji about waiting for Makima, due to the SS ongoings posting earlier than everything else, but then the May NHML ended up doing that even worse. At any rate, Kobeni gets to debut here. Even though we only see them for a bit, I gave her and Power canon swimsuits we’ve seen before. I don’t think Makima has anything like that, though, but I figured a simple white bikini would work for her. Our ladies’ beach trip got steamy pretty quickly, and I hope y’all will look forward to the next page.