So here’s an Epic Tier commission, following up on this client’s commission from last month. It seems Mina and Ochaco were bought by a bordello, who are using them for an open invitation to all sorts of customers (demons, ogres, humans, what-have-you). This one was a bit of a challenge, especially factoring in the cum version (the client paid extra for both the complexity of the pic and the alternate version), but hopefully the final result was worth it. Hope you all enjoy. ^_^
So this is another Epic Tier commission. Some of you may remember the last time this client bought a Carnal Kingdom pic (his own ongoing series), featuring Ann Takamaki from Persona 5. Like with that pic, this one will eventually have a follow-up where we’ll see who bought these two U.A. High School sluts.
So here’s another commission through my Epic Tier. This one is a follow-up to this person’s commission the month before, where Ann Takamaki from Persona 5 was up for sale. In this one, she’s been purchased by Rulam Tehnaculu, some sort of extra-dimensional tentacle eyeball eldritch abomination. She seems happy with her new master.

So this is something new from one of my commission clients. Some of you may have seen the Carnal Kingdom concept show up in other artists’ work, as it’s been commissioned out to a number of different talented folks. You’ll be seeing it from me here and there now, it seems, and this is the first outing.
The Carnal Kingdom, as I understand it, is a demonic world that is home to an organization called Surial and Co., which is a multiverse slave trade company that plucks people out of their own universes for the purpose of turning them into sex slaves and selling them off to the highest bidder. This particular series focuses on a two-part story for each character. This here is part one, where we see Ann Takamaki of Persona 5 after she’s been trained and broken in, up for sale on the Surial and Co. market. Part two will likely come next month, where we’ll get to see who bought her and how they’re enjoying her.