Tag Archives: Cecil Lang

Different Person

When I made the first Hidden Orchard Society page, I only intended to use Stacie and Cecil for that simple little story. However, while working on it, I got this itch to draw a follow-up of Stacie after the HOS got to her. She was a reserved and shy girl before, but now she’s been “loosened up”, and even if her boyfriend doesn’t know why, he seems to be enjoying this new side of her.

Also a little disclaimer, but getting a secret underground society to gangbang your virgin gf won’t actually turn her into a sex beast, Applebridge is fantasy.

Hidden Orchard Society #1

This is the culmination of a handful of half-baked ideas I’ve been rolling around in my head for a while now. This first one is basically a test-run to see how people like the concept, but if it goes well I have plenty of ideas for future entries in this series. The basic premise is a simple before/after of an Applebridge resident running into an underground sex cult. Like we see here, the before will be some example of their normal life, while the after is them being broken in by the Hidden Orchard Society in some capacity. A lot of these characters will probably be new and/or only made for their one appearance, but I think this juxtaposition can create an effective narrative even with just two images. Anyway, feedback is welcome here since I’m testing the waters and all.