So here’s a commission of Jeanne d’Arc (Alter)/Jeanne Alter (Fate/Grand Order characters have like a dozens names and I have no idea how to refer to any of them) and her master, Ritsuka Fujimaru (male version). I’m not very up-to-date with the Fate/ franchise. I watched Fate/Stay Night a long time ago, read some of the manga and played the game that anime was based off of. I don’t know a single thing about the phone game or any of the plot developments or versions since then. It’s a complex and confusion franchise that I don’t entirely understand.
Anyway, this pic is specifically about Alter’s Santa outfit from a recent release on the app, I guess? It’s a cute design, even if I had a bit of trouble with it. I hope you all enjoy this extra little bit of festive goodness. ^_^