Tag Archives: Looney Tunes

Bugs and Daffy Character Ask 1

I’ve never drawn Bugs and Daffy together before, and was kind of in the mood to do something along these lines. While I feel you could make an argument for either of them being top or bottom, I do tend to draw Bugs as a bottom more often, and the inverse is true for Daffy, so I stuck with that dynamic here. It also allowed for me to set up a little joke from Bugs, which he’s prone to do.

Bugs Bunny Riding

This drawing is actually a few years old… I’ve had the urge to do something with Bugs for a long time, but I keep hitting brick walls on the way. What I’d really like to do is something with one or more of Bugs’s iconic drag appearances from over the years, but I felt weird debuting him in drag for some reason. So I did this pic, but never finished it. When I recently got the urge to do something with him again, I decided to dust this off and finish it. We’ll see if I ever get around to drawing him again.

Wizard Throne

So this is actually a pretty old picture. I drew this one up originally back in April of last year, when I was really into The Looney Tunes Show. There’s a musical number in one episode just called “The Wizard”, where Daffy Duck is basically fantasizing about being an all-powerful wizard. In the fantasy segments he has a bunch of elf servant girls, who I thought were pretty sexy. So I drew them naked all draped over his wizardly self.

While re-uploading stuff here to the new site, I came across the incomplete pic and decided to finish it. So I touched up the lineart (it was back when I was inking things with way too thick of lines) and colored it. ^_^


I keep coming back to the Looney Tunes Show. I’m not sure what it is about these characters that I’m so drawn to them, but I can’t stop myself. I have several other pics from this show already in the works, and there will probably be more after them.

I’ve written before about my conflicts with Tina. I’m extremely attracted to her, for a number of reasons, but I find it problematic that she’s, well… a duck. It doesn’t get in the way of my interest for her, but it makes it harder for me to draw her. Rabbits like Lola seem to get a pass on more human anatomy, but because of those duck legs/feet, I become a lot more limited in what I can do with her. If I draw her from behind, she can’t have a normal-looking ass. However, if I just draw a duck butt, that’s not very sexy. I’ve been doing different things to avoid drawing much of her lower half in previous pics, but this time I found a pose that let’s me compromise a bit. And so, the continuing legacy of me trying to make ducks sexy continues.

Lolass Bunny

In between commissions and larger projects, I’ve squeezed out this quick pick of Lola Bunny’s ass. Nothing much to this one, though I do really like this angle. I have a picture of Avatar’s Korra in a similar pose already in the works, though I can’t say if I’ll be doing too many. This pose/angle is pretty easy and quick to do, so who knows.

I have at least two other Looney Tunes Show pictures I’m currently working on; hopefully they’ll be showing up here soon. I don’t know how many more I’ll do, but I keep coming back to this show for some reason.

Lola and Tina Having Fun

Daffy got himself into some financial trouble with his usual schemes, but luckily Lola knows a good way to help Tina raise some quick cash.

I don’t know why, but I’m really feeling The Looney Tunes Show right now. I’m hoping to do a few more pictures with these characters, and possibly a few others from the show. Now that I’ve got the art style down better than I did they’re a lot quicker to get out than my usual pics. On top of that, the last one was pretty well-received, so I’m feeling pretty motivated to stick with them for a while.

Russo Facial

There are a few things that I have trouble with when it comes to this line of work. One of those things is ducks, a strange conundrum that I’m still trying to reconcile. I don’t find ducks sexy, and yet (for some reason) ducks are a favorite animal for anthropomorphized “funny animal” cartoons in by Disney, Warner Bros., etc.

Now, when I say I don’t find ducks sexy, the main thing I’m talking about is their lower half. The duck legs, and strange bulbous hips are difficult for me because I don’t know how to use them. Additionally, there’s the beak, and between these two parts of the body 99% of the potential poses for an erotic image are suddenly limited. I have no idea how to make a duck blowjob sexy. Likewise, any form of penetration is going to present challenges for me. I did a lot of research on how other people have drawn ducks, and a lot of them involve things like giving human musculature to the legs or basically just painting duck colors on a human body, which I feel is taking the character a bit too far off-model.

That being said, there are a number of duck characters who are sexy that pop up because, again, ducks are a popular animal in cartoons. Tina Russo here is probably the best example of a character who, through a variety of qualifications beyond her species, I find extremely attractive. So, to try and find reasons to draw her, I have to think of different options. In this case I landed on a hand job with a cartoonish facial (with probably the only way I can think of to make a duck bill sexy), but hopefully I’ll be able to figure out other ways to use her without having to go too far off-model.

And don’t even get me started on Daffy’s cock. That was an entirely different concession, because there’s no way in hell I’m using an anatomically correct duck penis in a picture like this.

A Licensed Cosmetologist

This is just a quick pic I did based on the Looney Tunes Show. I enjoy the show, and Tina Russo here is one of the reasons why. I love her New Jersey accent, and she comes across really likeable as one of the few characters willing to put up with Daffy. I don’t usually go for ducks, but Tina’s really won me over. I hope I’ll be able to do more art of her in the future.

For those not familiar with the show, there’s an episode where Tina tries to become a licensed cosmetologist and goes to Beauty School. She’s not good at it, though, and ends up letting Daffy (who’s a natural at it) do all her homework for her. Finally she decides to give up on Beauty School, but Daffy has put a lot of work into it and doesn’t want to leave it unfinished. With just one test remaining to get the license, he realizes that all furries look the same and paints himself yellow, puts on a wig and some eye shadow and takes the test in her place. It’s a funny episode, and I really wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to have “Tina” fucking Tina.