Here’s the next page of ben_10mil’s comic “Surprise!” This page is pretty simple, just Vegeta and Goku continuing their competition with their sons. Below is the original version.
Here’s the seventh page of ben_10mil’s comic “Surprise!” translated, inked and colored by yours truly. In the original version this page and page six are presented side-by-side, but I’ve been splitting those double-pages up so that I can provide slightly faster updates (otherwise page five would’ve been the last page I updated here, and you’d only just now be getting page six). As always, the original draft is included below for everyone to enjoy.
So some of you may have noticed this site was down most of the night and into the morning (which is why this post is being made later in the day than usual). As far as I can tell this was a problem with my host’s server, which they seem to have fixed. Hopefully it won’t happen again.
Anyway, here’s the new colored page of ben_10mil’s comic Surprise! Like before, the original is included below.
Here’s the third page of ben_10mil’s comic “Surprise” colored. I decided to go a different route with the reveal of the second panel (as you can see below, the original version had little lightning bolts). I think the starburst here looks a bit better, and is also just funnier to me. Hopefully you guys like it, too.