Tag Archives: Trunks Briefs

CCC – Space Warped Bonus Page 01

So Malezor recently shared with me some standalone images based on Space Warped that he had drawn up. While we try to get things going on chapter one in the future, I’m gonna color and post these every now and again, if for no other reason than to keep the project alive here on the blog. This first pic is just Goten and Trunks posing together, but the other images all include other characters (though they don’t stray too far from the tone of this pic).

CCC – Space Warped 05

The fifth page of Space Warped closes out our prologue. Here we finally see the method by which Goten and Trunks will be hopping universes. The next update for this comic will be the first page of Chapter 1, where we see exactly where/when the boys end up. Unlike the prologue, the chapters will contain sex, so all you who were upset over the time skip in TL’s castle need not worry.

CCC – Space Warped 04

Here’s the newest page of Space Warped. We jump forward a bit to after the fun parts here. I know some of you may be disappointed there, but Malezor’s plan for the Time Lord has always been to bring him in for the comic’s finale. With that in mind, we wanted to keep that special by saving a full sex scene with him until then.

Instead, the precocious Trunks and Goten decide to explore his castle a bit. There’s one more page of the prologue left after this one, and then after that we’ll get to the real meat of the comic.