I haven’t really quite pinned down the nature of Zangya and Gohan’s relationship…. Gohan’s definitely been the main person to pair her with in my work, but I don’t see them as, like, a couple or anything. When it comes to their appearances together I haven’t been able to determine who is really in “control” or even what they think of each other. It’s a weird sort of pairing because Zangya has very little characterization in her one major appearance, and their only interaction in said movie is fighting. So I have to look at Gohan’s personality as I’ve conveyed it so far and pair it against Zangya’s seeming arrogance and vanity (as I see it) in the film. So while I wouldn’t say Zangya’s dominant over Gohan the way, like, Blackfire is to Starfire, I do think she’s probably likely to take advantage of his more passive nature when they fuck. So that’s the best I’ve got on these two.
Waw so fucking great ! can you do Zangya Footjob on Gohan please ?