So, um… Yesterday I discovered that this Ask had somehow slipped through the cracks. It should have been posted probably some time in August, but I guess when I shared it with my supporters I forgot to add it to the schedule. Hopefully this isn’t something that’s happened before, and there are other pics I just forgot to post here. ^_^; I’m sharing it now, but that’s why the background and presentation don’t fit with the current CA approach.
Anyway, this Ask is in reference to a line from the show. The implication in the source material is than Gon went on fairly innocent activities with the older women who visited Whale Island, but obviously I had to take things a different direction.
Near You could make animations with your characters, it would be better
No, I couldn’t.
Good Gon piglet and good Nearphotison because you can always capture the moment of the characters. I adore you, keep it up