I haven’t drawn Osaka since 2010, and the drawing I did then didn’t really look that much like her to begin with. I liked the idea of doing something else with her in this Ask, but I struggled to think of someone who’d fit the bill. The only character I could think of wasn’t even the canon version of that character, so instead I decided to have Osaka answer in what felt like a pretty Osaka manner.
I would like to do more with Osaka eventually. I think she has the body type that can be deceptively fun to play with, and I think I could do some interesting lewds with her in the future. For now, though, she’s just kinda spacing out and vibing.
What a glow up, love how she looks with your modern artstyle, and Osaka is also such a classic.
Amazing pic, and also pretty funny answer, quite in character lol.
Cute lil’ airhead
You should draw her scissoring with or getting pegged by Inaka Nokoko from Komi Can’t Communicate
Both are transfer students who both have southern accents (Atleast from their english dubs)
I know she’s kinda obscure at least compared to Osaka, but it’s still a nice comparison and could have some potential in ideas.