Vegeta Character Ask 17

When the second match of the Tournament of Lust began, there was a little bit of bemoaning the loss of a potential Vegeta vs. Krillin round. While Vegeta and Krillin do share a lot of screentime together in DBZ, I’m not personally super high on doing much with them together. I figured touching on the pairing a bit couldn’t hurt, though, so here’s a brief interaction.


  1. User#6b08a6a7

    Given what Krillan is packing I’m surprised it’s not the other way around. That said it is some hot sex right there.

  2. User4269

    Damn… Krilin’s expression is really perfect. This scene could really be placed in the main story.

    [Narrator (episode 58 – 59 – 60): After stealing the 5 dragon balls that were aboard Frieza’s spaceship and an intensive fight against Zarbon, Vegeta also managed to seize the 6th dragon ball that the leader of the Namecks had given to Krillin. For his part, Gohan had just found at the bottom of a lake, the 7th dragon ball that Vegeta had hidden. Furious, Vegeta pursues Gohan to find his last dragon ball. But when he arrived in front of their hiding place, Krillin, Gohan and Bulma had already fled. After finding a refuge for Bulma, Krillin and Gohan set off to find the leader of the Namecks in order to awaken Gohan’s potential. That’s when Vegeta arrived. Krillin had to buy time.]

    Vegeta : You insignificant insect, I order you to tell me where the last dragon ball is!

    [Narrator: Krillin was terrified to find himself alone against Vegeta. Nail was present, but was content to ensure his role as guardian in front of the entrance to the Nameck leader’s house by crossing his arms.]

    Krilin : I… Um… We put her in a safe place miles away. But… I… I refuse to tell you where exactly.

    [Narrator: Vegeta approached Krillin with a clenched fist and then grabbed him by the collar before sending him against a tree with a punch to the stomach. Our shaved-headed friend was out of breath. He was on his knees holding his stomach while suffocating. Vegeta glanced at Nail who didn’t seem to want to intervene for the moment, remaining stoic with his arms crossed. Vegeta then approached Krillin, seizing him by the front of his tunic.]

    Vegeta : You’re going to talk, miserable woodlouse?!

    Krilin : I… No… I can’t… We came all this way to rescue our friends. I can’t give up now.

    [Narrator: Vegeta gritted his teeth in rage and then tore off Krillin’s clothes before throwing him to the ground. He also took off his armor and then got behind the little bald guy to start penetrating him. Krillin gritted his teeth and fists trying to resist the feeling of his anus widening.]

    Krilin : Hmmm… I… I have to… I have to hold on… I have to hold on until the Nameck leader finishes awakening Gohan’s potential…

    [Narrator: Vegeta continued to fuck Krillin savagely while snickering.]

    Vegeta : Look at you, on all fours, growling like a common slut reduced to undergoing your punishment! Agree to take me to the dragon ball and I will give you back your freedom!

    Krilin : Han… Han… No… Never! Han… Han…

    [Krillin frowned as he accepted his sacrifice for the sake of his friends hoping that Gohan’s unleashed potential could face Vegeta. Nail as a Nameck didn’t really understand what was happening before his eyes. He remained stoic with his arms crossed guarding the entrance to the Nameck leader’s house while Vegeta continued to brutally fuck Krillin.]

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