Azumanga Daioh

Yomi Anal Play

So, a while back I was watching through some Azumanga Daioh, which I hadn’t watched in years. While I was revisiting the series, I was struck by just how into Yomi I was. I don’t know what it was (I’ve always liked Yomi, but she’s never been my favorite), but I found myself really wanting to draw her. I ended up sketching a bunch of Yomi pics that day, most of them yuri with her classmates. I don’t know if I’ll ever get around to inking and coloring those pics, but I’ve been kinda stressed lately and needed a cooldown pic to work on. I’m still really high on Yomi here, and decided to ink and color the one solo pic of her from those sketches just as something fun to work on for my own sake. I hope you guys enjoy seeing her, though, and if people seem into it I might go back and pick up some of those other drawings for future releases.

Not a Competition

So I got back from my convention last night, and a spent the extra time planning a layout for the next page of Special Training and wrapping up this piece that I started about a week ago. I’ve been more and more in the mood for yuri lately, so there might be some more stuff like this in the near future (sorry, yaoi fans!).

I’m always happy when I feel like I can convey parts of a characters personality, or the relationship between two characters, and I feel like that’s the case here. I always thought the interaction between these two teachers was really funny and cute in the show, and I hope I get around to drawing more of them in the future!

Kawaii Neko

I’ve said before that I don’t like to take requests without payment, since I think it sets a bad precedent. On the one hand, it potentially takes business away from other, cheaper artists that one may go to if I’m too expensive, and it also makes it harder to say no to other requests later on. However, I do tend to draw requests when I get inspired by them, but at that point it’s really more a matter of me drawing something I really want to, and someone’s comment just happened to spark the idea.

This is sort of one of those situations, though in this case the idea came from someone I know IRL. She’s been re-watching Azumanga Daioh with her boyfriend, and one morning I got a random text from her saying, “You should draw Kaorin with Miss Sakaki.” I agreed. I haven’t done anything with Azumanga Daioh in forever (and even then, it was mostly color jobs), even though I really love almost every character in the show, and I’ve been wanting to do more yuri pictures anyway. When I read the text I pretty quickly got the idea for this pic and got to work.

After classes one day, Kaorin finds herself alone with Miss Sakaki and, in panicked desperation, blurts out a confession. One thing leads to another, and Kaorin finds herself with Sakaki on top of the teacher’s desk, her pussy inches from her face. Suddenly realizing what’s happening, a self-conscious Kaorin tentatively licks the pussy in front of her. Sakaki, from her vantage point, is suddenly reminded of a kitten lapping at a bowl of milk. She can’t help but picture Kaorin as a catgirl, an image so cute it pangs at her heart.

COY 7 – Osaka/Ukitsu

COY stands for Cross Over Yuri. The premise is pretty simple, I have a list I’ve compiled of over 500 cute girls from various anime and manga. I then use a random number generator to make pairing, which I then draw. Every third picture is a threesome.

Man, did I drop the ball on this one. Ukitsu is by far my favorite character in Ikkitousen, so I was really looking forward to expanding the R34 on her. Well, I did, but this pic just sucks. I’m so unhappy with it, looking back. Still, though, it’s my intent to upload all of the COYs onto this blog, so here it is. I will definitely be revisiting Ukitsu sometime down the road, if not this same pairing.

COY 6 – Ed/Tomo/Asuka

COY stands for Cross Over Yuri. The premise is pretty simple, I have a list I’ve compiled of over 500 cute girls from various anime and manga. I then use a random number generator to make pairing, which I then draw. Every third picture is a threesome.

From an artistic perspective, this is not my best work. However, I still like this piece, as it’s one of the few times where I’ve really explored how the crossover would turn out. I think I managed to get a pretty good feel for a sexual relationship between these three, and it’s a lot funnier than it is sexy. What’cha gonna do?

COY 5 – Rei/Chiyo-chan

COY stands for Cross Over Yuri. The premise is pretty simple, I have a list I’ve compiled of over 500 cute girls from various anime and manga. I then use a random number generator to make pairing, which I then draw. Every third picture is a threesome.

Man, this was a missed opportunity. I just had no inspiration for this pairing, but surely I could have come up with better than this, right… ?

COY 1 – Android 18/Kagura

COY stands for Cross Over Yuri. The premise is pretty simple, I have a list I’ve compiled of over 500 cute girls from various anime and manga. I then use a random number generator to make pairing, which I then draw. Every third picture is a threesome.


This was the first official COY, meaning it’s the first to be generated using the random system described above. And what a doozy of a first pairing it is! Two of my favorite anime, Dragonball Z and Azumanga Daioh, meet with my favorite girls from each show. Wow. In hindsight, though, I kind of wish this pairing had popped up later, as my art really wasn’t that strong back then. Oh well, nothing saying I can’t take a crack at this crack pairing again later!