
Ludibrio Chronicles, Ch. 1 – Liberum Commutatio 07

If you would like to see the original clip starring Alexa and Geizer that this is ripped from, you can find it here:


It’s been a little bit since the last Ludibrio Chronicles release, but here’s the next page. I know the reactions for this project are mixed, but I sincerely hope those of you that like it are still enjoying the new pages when they come out. We’re on the downhill portion of this chapter, with just a handful of pages left to go.

Futa Pan and Bra Comic

Here is a commission I’ve been working on for a while…. Even though the subject matter for this one isn’t super complex or demanding, I kept hitting weird stumbling blocks with this one and in the end it took way longer than it reasonably should have. Thankfully the client was super patient with me while I muddled my way through it, though, and once the lineart was done the coloring went by pretty quickly. I think the end result is pretty cute, and I hope you guys like it as well. ^_^

EDIT: My project “Dragon Ball F” hadn’t been fully realized when I first made this, but I think now that this comic fits better into that universe (where all male characters are female, and any character can become a futa by eating a “futa bean”) than it does any other take on Dragon Ball I’ve used. So I’m adding this to that series.

Everfire – 2 Boys Ride a Harley 08

So it’s been a while since the last update of this comic. This was largely due to some communication hiccups between Everfire and myself (Everfire changed emails without me knowing, then for some reason his emails to me got moved to spam and I missed them for almost a month, things like that). Eventually things were worked out, and now you guys can see the final result. I’m currently waiting for the version I can use of the final page (and checking my spam box this time, just in case), but when it gets here I plan to color it quickly so that this comic will finally be wrapped up properly.

Saigado – ASUKA28 Excerpt

So in early 2016 I had a commission client who wanted to purchase a few random manga pages to be colored. Even though this wasn’t exactly my normal style of commission, I agreed to, and the first was an Asuka/Shinji page from a doujin called ASUKA28. I colored it, and the client liked it so well that instead of doing the next page he had planned (which was from a completely different doujin) he asked me to do another page from ASUKA28. At the time he seemed very interested in getting the entire doujin colored, and so I sat on the two pages I had colored for a long time. However, I didn’t hear from him again, and even if I did I don’t know if I’d be able to take on a project like this again today. I just have too much else going on. I didn’t think it was worth keeping it squirreled away, so I decided to release the two pages I’d colored here for you guys. If you’re interested in checking out the full doujin, you can find it here: (or just search for “Saigado ASUKA28” if you don’t like this host).

A Trip to the Past, Page 07

This page took longer than I expected due in large part to the position used. In most of the panels it wasn’t a factor, but a couple of them proved especially time consuming for me, and took multiple drafts to get to look right. Hopefully the final product was worth all the work. I know these pages come out slower than many of you would like, but I can assure you I’m doing my best to get them out as quickly as I can. Page eight is already under construction, though I’m sure it’ll be a while before it’s complete.