Near Pokédex F104 – Cubone

So, as I mentioned before, I found some time to wrap up this new Pokédex F entry. Honestly, I think she may be my favorite entry so far. I’ve always had a thing for girls with covered faces, either a helmet or a mask or something. There’s an air of mystery there, and I kind of like it. I’ve always thought La Mariposa was sexier than Lisa Hamilton, for example.

I debated with myself about the human in this one. I had considered using a male (hence the last line of the Pokédex entry), and have him buried in her pussy with the bone in her ass. In the end I decided it might be a while before another good opportunity came along for a yuri entry, so I made the human a female for the first time in this series.
Like I mentioned before, I don’t know when I’ll have something new to post. I’m working on a few things, but I plan to be back home next week and can hopefully ramp up production then. I’m looking forward to starting on the new comic pages, I have some fun ideas for both SES and ST. I’m hoping to also start a third non-commissioned comic, but I can’t decide between three ideas I’ve been sitting on for a long time (I think it would be a bad idea to try all three). We’ll see how it goes.

Near Pokédex F133 – Eevee

I wasn’t expecting to have this pic ready by now, but like so many of these Pokédex entries it ended up moving a lot faster than I’d thought it would. I’m pretty happy with this one, and hopefully those who disliked the last few female entries can enjoy this one a bit more.

Eevee’s entire evolution line is pretty great, and I’m looking forward to working with most of them. First, though, I wanted to get the base form covered. I’m pretty happy with how Eevee turned out, hopefully you guys will like her, too.

Near Pokédex F067 – Machoke

One of the first suggestions I got for the Pokédex was to try a female Machoke. Machoke’s evolutionary line is a really funny one to me, since they have such clearly male designs but can appear as either male or female in the games. Obviously in the games female Machoke don’t have big ol’ titties hanging out free, but we’re making up or own rules here.

I enjoyed working on this one. I haven’t really done something like this before, and it was an interesting change of pace from the sort of stuff I usually do. I know this probably won’t be for everyone, but I hope those of you who like muscular women taking control over a guy will enjoy this. ^_^

On a side note, it’s been brought up in some places that the black area under the Machoke’s belt is a skin coloration pattern and not spandex, but I’ve never liked that bit of trivia. It’s never drawn that way in the anime (just look at the gif below), and the place it was announced was more of a joke than anything people should treat as law. Since we’re already taking liberties and humanizing the Pokémon, I intend to treat anything that looks like clothes as clothes. I personally find it sexier that way.