Tag Archives: Arlene Wilcox

Studio Halloween Party Highlights 2024

For the past few years I’ve found it increasingly harder to come up with ideas for new Spookyverse characters for the annual Halloween pic. While I’m sure it’d be possible to squeeze out a few more, and I might still add new characters to the roster in the future, I decided to change course this year and instead showcase a Halloween party similar to what I’ve been doing for Christmas the past couple years.
Like with the Christmas party, I wanted to give the random raffle character from the Halloween costume pic the spotlight center panel, so we see Arlene getting with some big studs like she wanted (Silas, Ginyu, Jeice and Salza). Her sister also gets to have some fun, plus some Velma-on-Saiyaman action and a few other fun appearances. I tried to fit in a few Halloween-appropriate characters, while also giving a few characters some costumes. Some folks here don’t have costumes on, either ’cause they didn’t bother dressing up for the party or because they already lost the whole costume. Everyone seems to be having fun, though, and I hope you all enjoy the page.

Arlene’s Halloween Costume

Last year I started a new Halloween tradition. Mirroring the annual Studio Santa pin-up, one Studio member gets randomly selected to show off their Halloween costume for that year. The winner this time was Arlene Wilcox, a one-episode Scooby-Doo character, and I had this idea for a scene that I thought would be more interesting than a regular pin-up. I don’t expect to do this kind of thing too often with these series, but I didn’t want to pass up the opportunity for what I thought would be a fun little pic.

Wilcox Twins Embrace

So here we have a return appearance of Arlene Wilcox and her mysterious twin sister, the Ghost Witch of Old Salem, from the Scooby-Doo Show. It’s been a minute since I last did anything with either of these two, but I’m still very much into the Ghost Witch character. I wanted to fit her into my lineup for October posts, so I took this pic I drew alongside their last appearance and inked/colored it. It wasn’t necessarily my intention when I started it, but it kinda looks like the Ghost Witch has hypnotized or entranced Arlene somehow. Even though it’s accidental, I kinda like that concept for these two.
Anyway, this might be the last time I draw both of them together, I don’t know. I’d still like to do more with the Ghost Witch, but Arlene’s kinda forgettable and is really only useful to me as an incestuous partner for the Ghost Witch. So I’m not 100% ruling out more sisterly bonding from them in the future, but right now it’s not in the plans.

Wilcox Gemini

So not that long ago, some of you may remember me drawing the one-off Scooby-Doo villain the Ghost Witch of Old Salem from the Scooby-Doo Show episode “To Switch a Witch”. I sketched this picture around the same time, but decided to wait and see how people responded to the first pic of her before inking and coloring it. I was pleasantly surprised with the positive response her first pic got, so I picked this back up to wrap it up. Spoilers here, but the plot of the episode revolves around the Ghost Witch framing her twin sister, Arlene Wilcox, since nobody knows she has a twin and the ghost supposedly looks like her. The mystery is solved when the gang reveals the existence of this evil twin, though we never get her name or see her unmasked (though supposedly she looks like Arlene without the costume). I knew after watching the episode I wanted to draw these twins together, so here it is. I don’t much expect I’ll draw Arlene again, unless it’s to pair her with the Ghost Witch. Even though she’s pretty enough, she’s attractive in a way that’s not super interesting to me, so her main purpose in my mind is as a potential incestuous partner for the much more interesting-looking Ghost Witch character.