Tag Archives: Dragon Ball Super

God Form Goku

So when I first saw Goku transform into a Super Saiya-jin God, my first thought was, “Pink, huh?” My second thought was that this form was pretty cute, and I knew I wanted to draw him like this some day. I never really got around to it until just recently, when I decided to put out a simple solo nude pic. I don’t know if I’ll draw Goku like this again, but if I do I think he’s a lot more likely to be on bottom than how I usually draw him.

Officially the God transformation, in addition to obvious things like hair and eye color, makes Goku slimmer and younger than he is normally. That’s why I didn’t draw him quite as buff her as, say, either of my comics he co-stars in. His skin is also a slightly different shade, which I think looks quite tasty. I hope you guys enjoy him.

NHML – Vados

The Near Hentai Monthly Lady for October is Vados from Dragon Ball Super. I was pretty excited when she won, because I’ve been meaning to draw her ever since she first appeared in the show. Both her and her brother Whis are sexy as fuck, and I’d love to feature them more on the site. I have quite a few ideas for both of them, but we’ll see what I actually get around to drawing.

In this case, I went with a suggestion made by the guy who nominated her in the first place. Cabba here doesn’t have much interaction with Vados that I can recall, but since she put together Champa’s team for the tournament I thought there’d be some potential there. Cabba himself is pretty cute, I’d like to draw him with Vegeta one of these days.

Future Couple Kiss

So here’s the second of my two “PG Commissions”. I don’t have a whole lot to say about this one, other than I wouldn’t mind doing a more explicit pic of these two some day. The client specified that, although Future Trunks is in his Dragon Ball Super design, he should have the violet hair of his Z design.

Tomorrow I plan to post the second MomSwap pic. Not sure what’ll come after that, but whatever it is it’ll be smutty.