Tag Archives: Frieza

Son Goku Character Ask 17

So, obviously Goku and Frieza’s original canonical relationship is very different than his relationships with, say, Gohan or Chi-Chi, or even Vegeta. Part of why I wanted to pair them, though, is I always felt there was this interesting tension that could be interpreted as sexual between them, even in their original battle on Namek. I’m not sure if I can explain it if anyone else doesn’t see it, but something about their dynamic (particularly when they’re trying to show off to each other, more than later in the fight when Krillin’s dead) makes them feel perfect for the kind of hate-fuck-turned-passionate story I’ve tried to do in Space Emperor Slut. That comic started in 2015, however, and I feel like for the studio versions of these characters their dynamic has probably changed a lot. So that initial release of tension is well in the past, but I wanted to acknowledge how well Frieza’s fallen into his new role.

Goku’s Angel and Demon

So I was revisiting my Whis pics I’ve done in the past when the idea for this one came to me. I just felt like it’d be fun to see Goku enjoying two of his favorite bitches. Whis and Frieza don’t really interact in Dragon Ball, to my memory, but I think they both make for great sluts to Goku’s cock. I hope y’all enjoy seeing them working together here.

Frieza Character Ask 2

So Frieza’s in kinda a weird spot where he’s both racists towards Saiya-jins, but also fetishizes them, leading to his answer here. Obviously Luffy isn’t a Saiya-jin, and the only reason Frieza said the line being referenced in the question is to make a joke about his name being the same as the slur Frieza uses for Saiya-jins, but his reasoning probably wouldn’t be much different. I kinda doubt Frieza would view humans as any higher on the species totem pole than Saiya-jins, if anything they’d be much lower.

Studio Tour 7 – Luffy/Frieza

So here’s the latest entry of the Near Hentai Studio Tour series, which serves as a follow-up to the last one where Luffy was in the audience for Frieza’s pole dance/strip show. Seems he found himself backstage later, and that slut was ready to go! It’s a little weird to draw Frieza with someone other than Goku or Vegeta, honestly, but in a good way. I have one other idea for something with these two, but there will probably be a handful of other Studio Tour entries before I do it.

Frieza Facefuck

So, several months ago I tried experimenting with animation. I was trying to do a simple animation of Goku facefucking Frieza, using the same process I make normal pics with but putting them all back-to-back. It didn’t work out, the animation was too choppy and I decided to not release it. I finally decided to give up on the project, though I didn’t want the work to be a complete waste. So, I took two of the frames and put them together for a simple mini-comic like thing (even though the coloring is more simple than my usual work, since it was meant to be animated). Hope you all enjoy!

Studio Tour 6 – Frieza/Ash

So the title of this one might be a little misleading, since Frieza and Ash aren’t paired together in the traditional sense… but they are the focus of this piece, so here we are. I had the idea a while back (like, before SES) of drawing Frieza pole dancing. I went back and forth on a few different options for the audience for said performance (Frieza’s soldiers or the Giny Force, the Z Warriors, anonymous aliens). Setting the pic in the Near Hentai Studio, however, let it be a bit more open. I still stuck mostly with people he knew before the studio in the audience (same with Ash in the background), but I like the narrative this approach creates. Both Ash and Frieza are sluts for attention in and around the Near Hentai Studio, and this is a fun way of illustrating that. ^_^ I was a bit worried about the colors for this one, but I think they turned out okay.

Space Emperor Slut, Page 11

So, it took longer than I would’ve liked but I finally got the eleventh page of SES done! In this page we jump forward just a smidge to see Vegeta and Goku double-teaming Frieza. ^_^ Vegeta’s a lot meaner than Goku, to no one’s surprise I’m sure. I’ve been trying to decide when I want to move on to my next comic project, and I think I want to do one more page of this comic so we can (hopefully) end on a cliffhanger until I get back around to it again.

Space Emperor Slut, Page 10

So here’s page 10, where we get the reveal to the dialogue set up from the previous page. I realize some of the developments on this page may seem a bit confusing to anyone who remembers the Namek fight, but I promise there is a plan here and I’m not just throwing stuff into the comic for no reason. ^_^; I dunno if it’s clear yet what’s going on, but hopefully by the end of the comic it will be.