Tag Archives: Lois Griffin

Hayley Smith Character Ask 1

When I was working on Hayley’s content in my Studio Tour game, I realized I kinda like working with her. At the time I thought I’d be doing a lot more Hayley content (and maybe other ladies from the Seth Macfarlane shows), but that hasn’t really happened so far. I thought this Ask seemed like a fun one to do, though. I believe there’s been some crossover between Family Guy and American Dad in one or both shows, but I haven’t really seen them or know if Hayley and Lois interacted directly. I had fun drawing them together for this, though, even if I didn’t have much to add to the “answer” portion of this Ask.

Marge Simpson Character Ask 1

This is the first Simpsons Ask of any kind I’ve done, I think. With Asks and explicitly Studio-focused works, I tend to stray further from the source art style than usual on stylized characters. For example, in the Ask with Lois and Francine, or in Hayley’s appearance in my game, they’re drawn with five fingers/toes and visible nails, whereas I might forgo that if I was drawing something meant to be more in the style of their shows (though obviously I never do a full 1-to-1 there). I’ve drawn very little Simpsons, but what I have drawn has tried to veer a bit more in that direction, but here I experimented with letting Marge’s hands a bit more. We didn’t end up seeing a lot of her, as much like with the answer itself Lois kinda overrode her, but if I ever draw Marge in the NHS MILFs series or something like that we might see her more like this.

As for this Ask itself, I have a soft spot for Lois/Marge content, as strange as it can sometimes play out. This is my first time drawing them together, and I figured that Lois would have to help Marge articulate her response since Marge’s mouth was otherwise occupied.

Francine Smith Character Ask 1

The Seth MacFarlane shows are among the many that I’ve tended to not dabble with too much, just due to a concern that my own art style and the canon one won’t blend well. However, I’m planning to incorporate Hayley Smith into the food court update of my game, and so I figured I might as well use this Ask to experiment a little more with creating a blending of styles I’m happy with. Francine’s answer here was an easy one. Pretty much every adult animated sitcom mom has had a bit of lesbian experimenting at some point or another, and she’s had a few, so there’s no reason why she wouldn’t have lots of fun with other ladies in the Studio (especially without her husband around). As for her partner, I went with a common one in Lois Griffin, just because I’ve never drawn these two together and I thought it’d be fun.

For anyone interested, here is the Q&A video I did for June:

Meg and Lois Foot Fun

So this here’s a Master Commission, someone pledged to my Master Tier and got this as a reward. This client left things pretty open ended, basically telling me they were a fan of the MomSwap series and wanted to see Meg and Lois doing some foot stuff to each other. I was happy to oblige, and while I do intend to bring these two into MomSwap eventually, this serves as a standalone pic for them. We ended up with two versions, as originally I’d left out fingernails/toenails to stick closer to the art style of the show, but the client was hoping to get some painted nails. I definitely get the allure there, so I added a nails version but kept the nailless original for those who find nails on four-digit appendages weird or who are just purists to the art style or whatever. ^_^; Anyway, hope y’all like it.