Tag Archives: NPM

Near Pokédex M807 – Zeraora

Here’s another Pokédex entry, this time with Zeraora. I’m not familiar with this Pokémon, personally, but it was recommended to me by a friend. I guess this one was introduced in the “Ultra” version of Sun and Moon, but I only played regular Moon. There’s also a movie focusing on this Mythical Pokémon. Being one of the more anthro-looking ones it was easy to adapt this design for the Pokédex, and I hope y’all will like him.

Near Pokédex M019 – Rattata

There’s still tons of first gen Pokémon, and while I’ll never get to all of them in this series I thought Rattata would be a good one to cross off my list. Rattata are some of the first Pokémon many people encountered, being one of the common smaller ones you’ll run into early in the original games. For that reason, in my head, this feels like an essential one to do for a project like this.

Near Pokédex M509 – Purrloin

It seems like, here lately, I’ve only been getting out 1-2 Pokédex entries per year. I’d like to try and change that, so I did this one to try and get some momentum back. I sketched this Purrloin back when I did the F entry, but I’d set it aside ’cause I didn’t want to do both versions of Purrloin back-to-back. It’s been a minute now, though, and I already had the sketch so this was an easy one to jump back into for a quick entry.