Here’s another commission. I’m pretty satisfied with how this one turned out, and I hope you all like it because a follow-up pic has already been paid for and is under construction.
Month: October 2012
Here’s a new pic by me based off this strip from David Willis’ “Dumbing of Age”. Willis does a number of awesome webcomics, and DoA may be my favorite of them. Not much else to say, so enjoy the large posterior.
Here’s the second pic of my Bijob series. Sorry this took so long, I know a number of you were looking forward to it, but this image went through several drafts before I settled on this one. I don’t know why, but I had a hard time getting an angle I was happy with. Truth be told, I’m still not crazy about it, but it’s definitely the best of the ones I turned out.
I wanted to do one with Android #18 and her twin brother, #17 from Dragonball Z. Once I had decided on them, it seemed natural to make the receiving guy (who may not always be a character from the property, but in this case is) Krillin, #18’s husband. We don’t see much of #17 after they marry, but it’s implied in GT (for those who consider it canon) that he lived in the woods after being revived by Shenron. I suppose it’s possible that between the Cell and Buu sagas he paid his sister and her husband a visit, though I can’t say I’m terribly worried about making this picture fit into continuity.
Here’s the WWOEC Woman of the Month for October of 2012, Ghost. Ghost was nominated by my good friend Glassfish, whose work you can find scattered about on here whenever I’ve colored it.
I’m not terribly familiar with this character. The only Dark Horse series I’ve ever read was Hellboy, and even that was in small doses. I like her design, though, if only because I love chicks in hoods. I didn’t get too hardcore with this one, but I really like how it turned out. I kept the colors pretty soft and blue, and I’m real happy with the final result.