So here’s the thing about Near Pokédex. It’s probably obvious, but it doesn’t take place in the main Pokémon continuity. I don’t just mean because of the whole “Pokémon are anthro” angle to the series, but also the fact that I’ve never directly used any of the characters from the anime or games. Sure, I borrow elements from them, specifically in clothing, but if you look at a guy in that series who seems to be dressed like Ash, he’s very clearly drawn with a much different body type than when I usually draw Ash. This had led to some confusion in that series, like when I used Gary Oak’s hairstyle for the Eevee trainer and people thought he was just a buff Gary (which is understandable, I guess changing the clothes really isn’t enough to establish it’s a different character), or when Ms. Mime’s trainer had James-esque hair despite it being a different color.
Anyway, my point here is that the Near Pokédex series is not meant to be mixed with the main series in any capacity, but with Character Asks we can kinda dodge these rules. Earlier I did one where the NPM version of Sylveon was paired with Trainer Anya (a character who kinda exists in her own continuity, but is definitely closer to the original show than she is to the Near Pokédex), and now we get to see NPM Pikachu with main series Ash. I know a lot of people have mixed feelings about my Pokédex designs, and honestly Pikachu’s one of the ones I most understand people finding creepy, but hopefully even those people can still enjoy Ash in this response.