This is a commission purchased last month. It got done late because I didn’t receive instructions on what the client wanted until the last of the month, and was just barely able to get the sketch work done before leaving town for a little over a week. I got it done while I was traveling, though, and here it is.
They wanted Vaati from the Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap sitting on his throne with “trap-bait super-size man meat” and a look “holding smug levels beyond mortal man”. Hopefully that came across here in the final version.
This is a commission that came out of the sale I did a while back to help my friend out. The client wanted to see Huey and Cindy both servicing a cocky (no pun intended) Riley. This is the first time Cindy’s shown up here on Near Hentai, I think, but hopefully it won’t be the last. Like the other Boondocks kids she’s super cute, and I wouldn’t mind doing more with her and the rest of the gang outside of commission work some day.
This is a commission I did recently featuring two members of the warring factions from Caravan Palace’s music video to Lone Digger. I remember first seeing this video a year or two ago and liking it, but I probably would’ve never done any art based on it if I hadn’t been commissioned to like this. I tried my best to match the style of the music video, which presented some unique challenges, but overall I’m pretty satisfied with the end result.
This is the third and final entry in the “Gotham Academy Tentacles” series, purchased through my Epic Level tier. The client asked for a clean and messy version, and I ended up doing a middle one where the tentacles (and the girls nether regions) were sticky, but nothing else. I hope people have enjoyed these pics, as the client has expressed plans to do more with these characters at some point in the future.
I mentioned that I still had some commissions from the list of Twenty that hadn’t been filled yet, and this is one of them. I drew back in June, but there was a lapse in communication with the client that meant it didn’t get colored until just now. It wasn’t anything serious, but thankfully now it’s all colored and ready for public consumption. The client provided me with a picture to base this off of, and then specified the characters (as well as Charmander being the more anthro Near Pokédex design). All things considered I think it turned out alright.