I’ve been meaning to do something with Chi-Chi for a while, and decided to do this quick little number in order to brush up on her design. One of the (hundreds) of comic ideas I’m sitting on focuses on these two characters, though I honestly have no idea if that comic will ever come to fruition. Hopefully my straight shota and incest fans will enjoy this one, since I think it’s been a while since I’ve done a pic like this.
I started this pic a while ago, but just now got around to finishing it. I’ve always liked both Maron and Bulma’s design in the Garlic, Jr. Saga, even if it’s a filler saga and many people consider it non-canon. I don’t have any specific ideas, but I would like to draw both again sometime soon, possibly in an all-girl pic with Chi-Chi.
I’m currently working on the next page of Sleepover Raid, plus two large-scale single image commissions that are taking a lot of time to work through. I will also likely be posting the first couple pages of a new commission comic, one I started a long time ago but is just now getting released. Hope you all will enjoy these pics when they come out!
As usual there’s been a long wait between pages (a whole month!), but the new Special Training is finally finished. In this page Goku continues to give it to Gohan, but the poor kid just can’t hold out.
Don’t worry, though, just because there’s an orgasm in this page doesn’t mean the story’s over. I still have plenty of content planned for this comic, so I’ll see you all in a month for page seven (hopefully sooner! lol).