When I was first designing Yoinks, I was joking around with some friends about his silly name. Bakugoku also came up in a similar context, and we started joking about how funny it’d be for them to fuck, moaning each other’s silly names back and forth. While we were just kidding around, I had a feeling at least one person (the Subscriber who asked this question) might actually want to see that. I figured this Ask was as good an excuse as any to pair them up.
Here’s the bio page for Bakugoku, the first of two Bakugo/Saiya-jin fusions we ended up with. I had a pretty good idea of Bakugoku’s fashion sense and personality early on, so I’m happy to finally have him fleshed out here. I know this was one of the less popular fusions I’ve done, but I hope getting to see more than just the one drawing of him will help make him more likable for some of ya.
Goku and Bakugou won the latest Fusion poll on SubscribeStar. Technically, I should’ve named him differently, mixing Bakugou with Son and Katsuki with Goku. I just thought the name Bakugoku was really funny, and threw out my usual naming conventions ’cause I liked it. I imagine Bakugoku’s personality is probably not unlike Vegito’s, since Bakugou’s personality is somewhat similar to Vegeta’s. There’s something… tiger-like about this fusion, I feel, which is interesting ’cause neither of his base components make me think of tigers.