When I picked Izuku for Syaoran’s partner in his last Ask, I was mostly looking for someone a bit unique we don’t often see in that role. This Ask gives me the chance to flesh out the pairing a little bit, which I thought could be fun for people interested in Studio lore. The imagery here may be a bit on the tamer side, but hopefully the story paints a cute little picture for anyone interested.
I think this is the first time I’ve drawn Syaoran outside of a commission. The three times I’ve drawn him before were all commissions from back when I had the Epic Tier on Patreon, but I thought this would be a good chance to do something different with him (pairing him with a human, letting him be barefoot, what-have-you). Since the Ask mentioned the Studio, I took that as an invitation to pair him with a character from a different franchise. I picked Deku just ’cause I thought it’d be cute and he doesn’t get to top outside of MHA pics that often.
With Patreon suspending me, this and a previous post are the last Epic Tier commissions I’ll be doing (as I don’t plan to open an “Epic Tier” up on SubscribeStar). This supporter chose to mirror his first commission from me, a Syaoran/Keroberos pic from the days when Patreon allowed artists to draw whatever they wanted. Since this is the end of my run with that platform, I don’t see any harm in breaking their current ToS and accepting this commission, creating a nice little bookend. As for this pic, the client said Keroberos was using the Mirror Card from the show, which allows the sentient mirror to take the form of whomever the master wants. That’s how we’ve got Keroberos in his true form, as well as little Kero-chan in his disguise form, hittin’ Syaoran from both ends.
This commission comes from one of my regular supporters. Last year he commissioned a special pic with four of his favorite girls in some anon POV fucking, and this year he took three more for a bathroom rub n’ scrub scenario. From left-to-right we have Princess Sasami from the Tenchi Muyo! series, Illyasviel von Einzbern (Illya) from the Fate series (I know her from the anime adaptation of Fate/stay night), and Sakura from Cardcaptor Sakura. All three girls have magical girl adventures to their credit (although I did not specifically reference from these incarnations for Sasami and Illya), so there’s a bit of a theme here with the lineup. Anyway, hope you all enjoy the suds.

So here’s a commission featuring Takashi Yamazaki and Syaoran Li from Captcaptor Sakura. I haven’t watched this series in over a decade, so I don’t really remember Takashi (though he looks familiar), but the client describes him as an insufferable know-it-all type who’s prone to rattling off inaccurate trivia as a running gag. So that’s what’s up with his dialogue here, if you’re not familiar with the franchise or the characters. I don’t really have much else to comment about this one, but I hope y’all like it.
This is one of the commissions I got this month. It’s actually the second (of three) I completed, but since the client chose to release it right away I’m posting it here first. ^_^
These characters are from Cardcaptor Sakura, a show I watched quite a bit when I was a kid but barely remember now. The pic shows Kero-chan, Sakura’s mascot character, in his true form having some fun with Syaoran, the boy Cardcaptor from the show (at least, the only one I remember). This client has expressed an interest in commissioning more beast/shota pics in the future, so if you like this sort of thing there’ll probably be a similar pic next month. 😉