I don’t talk about it often, mostly because I think the concept is a little confusing and doesn’t do much to support the smut, but characters in the Studio can remember their alternate timelines/realties/what-have-you. For the Disney princesses, there’s been multiple “universes” where they hang out as a group (my first thought is the long sleepover scene from “Ralph Breaks the Internet”), so I think they’d have that connection again in the Studio. That being said, I had a healthy selection of potential partners for Mulan here, but I went with Cinderella since she’s one of the classic princesses.
I’ve wanted to do something with Lady Tremaine for a while. I realize not everyone will agree, but I find her to be quite the handsome woman, and lewding her was very exciting for me. I think the most straightforward way to lewd her is like this, dominating Cinderella in some capacity. I’m not sure if or when I’ll get to draw her again, but I do think I’d like to try and do something with her and the Fairy Godmother at some point, even though they don’t interact in the movie.
I’ve been thinking a lot about the Fairy Godmother from Cinderella after I first drew her. This has lead to doing a series of AI-assisted fanfics focused on her, which has in turn made me want to draw her more. FG/Cinderella content was probably inevitable, but I think working on these fics pushed it ahead faster. So here’s a simple pic of Cinderella eating out her Fairy Godmother, which I hope y’all will enjoy as much as I enjoyed drawing it.
I always figured if I drew the Fairy Godmother again, it’d be a pic with Cinderella, but this was an opportunity I didn’t want to pass up. The Fairy Godmother falls very neatly into Corey Park’s type, and I imagine there’s a good chance this Asker was expecting to get Corey as the answer here. Also, a number of people seemed to wish her previous pic had included anal of some sort, so this Ask was also a good chance to provide that for them.
This is one I don’t expect everyone to be on-board with, but when I was working on that Cinderella Suspended pic a while back I was reminded of how much I like the Fairy Godmother from that film. She’s just so round and friendly looking, and I think her design is extremely pleasant, so I wanted to draw her. At first I was going to have her be fully nude, but I quickly realized I wasn’t positive what her hair under her hood would look like… In the end I decided her lifting up her robes to show off the goods would be the best way around this, and if I draw her again she will probably be at least partially cloaked for this same reason.