Tag Archives: Digimon

Rika and Renamon

I have a preference, when it comes to furry content, for human-on-furry, and I feel like getting yuri content of that nature is pretty rare (though not unheard of). I wanted to do something with Renamon and her tamer Rika for a long time, but I just never got around to it. Breaking in the ice with Renamon a while back for that footjob commission might’ve made it easier to go ahead and do this pairing, finally. Either way, here they are, hope you enjoy.

T.K. and Matt Character Ask 1

I’m not sure if this person already knew when asking this, but the first time I drew Matt and T.K. together it was a three-way pic that also included Nancy here. It was meant to combine two of my favorite pic concepts I don’t see too often, smaller boys topping older ones, and MILFs pimping out their sons. With that in mind, I felt like this response was probably the most apt. I don’t at this time have any intention of doing anything with Hiroaki Ishida, since he doesn’t fit into the dynamic I’ve been running with so far.

Izzy Izumi Character Ask 1

I feel like it’s worth noting that Izzy’s answer here isn’t the definitive truth, only his opinion. ^_^ I’ve had this pose sitting waiting to be used for some time now, and for whatever reason when I was looking for a question to answer I got the urge to plug Izzy in for this response. I feel like there’s a good chance they were hoping to see Izzy topping whomever he picked, but hopefully they won’t be too disappointed with this outcome.

Izzy Feeling Dizzy

So this is another pic I started a long time ago and decided to come back to. It’s a pretty simple Izzy pic, but it’s nice to have him officially in the Near Hentai canon (if you will). He’s a cute boy and one I’ve wanted to do more with for a while now. We’ll see if I ever get around to him again. ^_^;

Tai Kamiya Character Ask 2

I don’t know if I’ll ever do any sort of Digimon/Pokémon crossover, but it’s a fun idea to consider. I haven’t fleshed out most of the Digimon cast quite as much as I have Ash, but I do think I prefer seeing Tai on bottom. Something about his outgoing personality and sporty look makes me see him that way. I like Ash on bottom for similar reasons, though, so in all likelihood I’d have them switch.
Actually, the more I think about it, if I did do a Tai/Ash pic, it’d probably be something like Pikachu fucking Tai while Agumon fucks Ash, and then the boys are making out in the middle. But idk, there’s a lot of fun ideas to be had with something like that. As far as Tai’s preference, I’m sticking with what he says here.

Sora Takenouchi Character Ask 1

So of course this Ask is referring back to the earlier one I did with T.K. and Matt, where Sora is recording them. I believe that was the first time I ever drew Sora (though I’d colored pics with her in them before), but this person immediately seized on the idea of this Ask as a way to see more of her. I have an idea for a pic I may do some day where Sora gets her wish from the end of her answer, though we’ll see.