Tag Archives: Juliet Starling

Zombie Movie Night, Page Four

So, just a reminder for folks who don’t know, but I have a handful of different categories for the types of ongoing comics I work on. One is the SubscribeStar monthly comics, of which there are four that cycle through one page per month on a rotation schedule. I also have a handful of comics that just update when I can get to them (Tournament of Power, Butt Witch’s Busy Weekend, Leave It All On the Court and The Eizouken’s Closer are the current lineup of those). The rest of the comics I do are on a rotation schedule, where I will work on one comic for 3-5 pages before then moving on to the next on the schedule. I have this schedule posted on the sidebar of my site, but it’s pretty far down, so I don’t know how often people see it.

This page marks the end of ZMN’s run as the focus comic in this rotation. I know it’s just getting to the good stuff, but it’ll probably be a while before we work our way back around to this one. For now, though, we’re going to leave things here and move on to the next comic in the rotation schedule, which I’ll talk more about when the first page of that comes out in about a month.


Zombie Movie Night, Page Two

Here’s the second page of Zombie Movie Night! The girls continue their conversation. I know some people have gotten pretty testy with me over having longer build-ups in some comics, but in this one we have the Lollipop Chainsaw movie they’re watching to keep the pages spicy while I establish Ellie and Clem’s dynamic in this universe. Also, we’ve got a little bit of a nod to some Xoverse lore here.

Zombie Movie Night, Page One

This is a comic idea I had back in 2017 or so, but never got around to it for a variety of reasons. I don’t think either The Last of Us or The Walking Dead are as culturally relevant as they were when I first wanted to do this, but I still think it’s a fun idea I’d like to explore. The original plan for this comic was for it to be a brisk 4-5 pages, but now that so much time has passed and I’ve moved it into my comic rotation schedule, I’ve decided to try and flesh it out a bit. This means it’ll be a few pages before things get steamy with Ellie and Clementine, but I plan to keep the pages a bit spicy through the movie they’re watching.

This comic is set in the Xoverse, meaning it’s canon with other Xoverse comics and pics. It also means this is the same “Ellie” from Sleepover Raid, if that’s interesting to anyone.

The 1 Club – Chainsaws

Pairing the Chainsaw Man with Lollipop Chainsaw was an obvious 1 Club option I’ve been sitting on for a while. I was originally planning to wait until after Denji’d gone “all the way” with Makima in a pic to do this one, but I might be running out of time and decided to go ahead and do this with them instead. If people like the pairing, I might could revisit them in a series like Studio Tour or something so Denji can fuck her.

For those interested, here is the Q&A video I did for Subscribers last month:

September ’12 WWOTM – Juliet Starling

So, here’s the thing. I’m not a fan of Juliet Starling. She’s okay, I guess, but her design is just so… how do I put this. Generic? Like, if you asked a random person on the street to draw you a cheerleader, they’d probably produce something damn close to Juliet Starling. Really, for me, the best thing going for her is Tara Strong’s voice. So when she was nominated as WWOEC Woman of the Month, my reaction was something along the lines of “Meh”. Then I went looking at the game, and realized that she had an incredibly hot older sister (Cordelia) and a pretty cute younger one, too (Rosalind). That’s when I decided on the material for this pic, and I got excited for it. That and, you know, zombies. Nothing sexier than a bunch of rotting corpses raping beautiful young women, am I right?