I don’t actually know how much Kaori and Ryo’s tastes would overlap. Pretty much every episode of City Hunter has Ryo obsessing over some new beautiful woman tied to that episode’s case, but I think the only consistent element to these women is that they’re all conventionally attractive. I thought pairing Kaori with a new girl in the Studio would be fun, though, and I kind of just leaned into how I felt she’d feel about the comparison, rather than analyzing any actual similarities. I went with Machi, since I haven’t drawn her for a bit and I felt she’d be a nice fit (also there’s probably some kind of pun in the names of their respective properties). Kaori’s had a pretty good spread of female partners in Asks so far, though I would like to draw her with some of the ladies from her own show eventually (Saeko in particular).
This is a little pic I sketch a while back and decided to return to recently. I don’t remember exactly what made me decide to do this one, I think I just really wanted to draw Pakunoda again and decided to throw Machi and Shizuku in just to appeal to a wider base. Gon’s face in the corner was a late addition from when I picked the image back up. I was always planning to color the cock with Gon’s skin color, but I decided to add the face just to make sure everyone knew whose knob was being slobbed.
For places like Twitter, though, and just for anyone not into Gon, I did also go ahead and save a version without the window in the corner:
Sometimes the answer’s kinda direct, you know? I’m not positive what direction (if any) the asker of this question was hoping Machi’s response to go in, but the way I read her character it’s a bit difficult for me to picture her ever expressing much concern over something like this. She has kinda a cool, distant way about her. I wanted to do this one mostly ’cause I know several people were hoping to see me draw Machi again. When I did the One-Shot featuring her a few people expressed interest in seeing her with her loose hair design, too, so I figured this would be a good chance to bust that out.

This is the One-Shot comic selected from a number of scripts submitted for December. This one was kinda neat, because it included three Phantom Troupe members I think I was probably expected to have drawn a long time ago. I’m actually not super keen on most of the Phantom Troupe myself, but I know they’re popular characters with a lot of fans. Pakunoda’s pretty nice, I like her distinctive nose and generally find her pretty attractive. Machi I could take or leave, she looks a bit too generic for me. Shizuku’s a character I kinda actively hate. She killed another character I was more interested in, and on top of that I find her overall pretty annoying and unlikable, which makes it hard to find her attractive. ^_^;
I went with a darker bluish lighting here… The Phantom Troupe’s main location from the portion of the anime I watched is some abandoned warehouse or something, and it’s usually lit like this. I thought it’d be a fun way to help this One-Shot stand out from some of the others. A unique challenge for this one was the Phantom Troupe’s signature spider tattoos. Of the three of them, Shizuku’s the only one I knew for sure the location of. I knew the other two had them, but not where, so I kinda fudged it. I hope you all enjoy the pic, especially since I can’t make any promises I’ll be drawing any of these women again any time soon.