Tag Archives: Son Gohan

Zangya Character Ask 2

I haven’t really quite pinned down the nature of Zangya and Gohan’s relationship…. Gohan’s definitely been the main person to pair her with in my work, but I don’t see them as, like, a couple or anything. When it comes to their appearances together I haven’t been able to determine who is really in “control” or even what they think of each other. It’s a weird sort of pairing because Zangya has very little characterization in her one major appearance, and their only interaction in said movie is fighting. So I have to look at Gohan’s personality as I’ve conveyed it so far and pair it against Zangya’s seeming arrogance and vanity (as I see it) in the film. So while I wouldn’t say Zangya’s dominant over Gohan the way, like, Blackfire is to Starfire, I do think she’s probably likely to take advantage of his more passive nature when they fuck. So that’s the best I’ve got on these two.

February ’18 One-Shot

This is the one-shot comic for February, which was completed one month ago today. Not only did my supporters get to the this comic (at full size) then, but they also voted for its content the month before. I believe the person who submitted this comic concept referred to it as “Gohan’s Harem” or something along those lines, but the idea is fairly clear. There’s some kinda time travel shenanigans going on in this comic, but given that we’ve seen that sort of thing before in this room, that hopefully won’t keep anyone from enjoying this comic.

Gohan and Zangya

So this started as something I sketched out when I needed a break from the commission stuff I was doing at the time. I just wanted to doodle something familiar, and decided to go ahead and flesh it out into a full pic since I know there’s been some demand for more Gohan/Zangya content. I’d like to draw these two again before too long, but we’ll see how things go.

January ’17 One-Shot

This is the one-shot page selected by my followers on Patreon. The page was available there one month ago today, but now I’m releasing it publicly for the rest of you. ^_^

The winning comic for January was Gohan with Zangya, one of Bojack’s crew in the DBZ movie Bojack Unbound. I’d wanted to draw her for a while, but I’m pretty sure this is the first time I’ve done anything with her at all. Given she at one point won a poll I wan here on the blog (asking who the sexiest villain henchmen from Dragon Ball were), I think it’s high time she gets a chance to shine. Hopefully this won’t be her last appearance around here.