Here’s the sixth page of “Leave It All On the Court.” Not much to add here, but Yoinks and Maki seem to be having fun.
So this is an idea I had a while ago, but never did anything with. I couldn’t tell you where it started, but the image of Maki and Yoinks playing some one-on-one just felt kinda right to me. I didn’t have anywhere to use the concept, really, but after doing Closing Time I decided to try and make this work following the approach I did for that comic. This page is a little more complex than any I did for Closing Time, and it won’t be the way the rest of the comic looks, but I wanted to get some stuff out of the way so the rest of the pages can be focused on the action.
When I was first designing Yoinks, I was joking around with some friends about his silly name. Bakugoku also came up in a similar context, and we started joking about how funny it’d be for them to fuck, moaning each other’s silly names back and forth. While we were just kidding around, I had a feeling at least one person (the Subscriber who asked this question) might actually want to see that. I figured this Ask was as good an excuse as any to pair them up.
I had some regrets regarding this poll. The theme was muscular characters, with a mix of male and female. I was having a little trouble thinking of males who weren’t from DBZ or MHA (since both were already in the poll) and ended up including Yoichi. I feel weird including Camp Buddy in something like this, but I kinda didn’t think he’d win so I didn’t expect it to be a problem. Not only did he win, but he won with Future Trunks, meaning I had a purple-on-purple Fusion on my hands. I was worried just giving him purple hair that’s a shade between Yoichi’s and Trunks’ would be too boring, so I worked in some blue from Trunks’ Super design to give him a bit more of his own vibe. I went with the name “Yoinks” because I thought it was a very funny way to combine their names. I hope y’all like him.