January ’23 One-Shot

Here’s our One-Shot comic for January of 2023, featuring Space Dandy! Like always, this comic’s script came from one of my SubscribeStar supporters. Space Dandy is a show I was really into back when it first aired. I watched every episode, and my first big breakout AMV was a Space Dandy one. I had an ongoing Calendar project based on the BooBies franchise, and had several pic ideas and even a comic planned (the comic would’ve looked a lot like the last panel of this comic, but for six pages). It all kinda fell apart, though, but I’ve been thinking about getting back to a lot of it soon. I’m working on the BooBies Calendar again, and even toying with dusting off that comic. I also think this alien registration idea has potential, so maybe we’ll see Dandy registering some alien gals from other properties, too.


  1. Violetty

    I’ve never heard of this series or seen these characters before but these girls look so beautiful! Thanks for showing showcasing them! 😍👍

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