
First things first, I’m at a convention this weekend and the internet is crazy spotty. I’m going to schedule both today’s post and Sunday’s while it’s working, but I may not be around as much as usual to reply to things.

This here is Chip, a guest character from the first episode of HarmonQuest season two. Chip was played by Gillian Jacobs, a rare example of a male character being played by a female in that show. Perhaps that’s the reason he’s the only male character I’m attracted to in HarmonQuest, but I’m super attracted to him. I don’t know if anyone else will share this fascination with the little goblin, but I thought he was insanely cute and I would like to draw more of him in the future.


Saigado – ASUKA28 Excerpt

So in early 2016 I had a commission client who wanted to purchase a few random manga pages to be colored. Even though this wasn’t exactly my normal style of commission, I agreed to, and the first was an Asuka/Shinji page from a doujin called ASUKA28. I colored it, and the client liked it so well that instead of doing the next page he had planned (which was from a completely different doujin) he asked me to do another page from ASUKA28. At the time he seemed very interested in getting the entire doujin colored, and so I sat on the two pages I had colored for a long time. However, I didn’t hear from him again, and even if I did I don’t know if I’d be able to take on a project like this again today. I just have too much else going on. I didn’t think it was worth keeping it squirreled away, so I decided to release the two pages I’d colored here for you guys. If you’re interested in checking out the full doujin, you can find it here: (or just search for “Saigado ASUKA28” if you don’t like this host).

A Trip to the Past, Page 07

This page took longer than I expected due in large part to the position used. In most of the panels it wasn’t a factor, but a couple of them proved especially time consuming for me, and took multiple drafts to get to look right. Hopefully the final product was worth all the work. I know these pages come out slower than many of you would like, but I can assure you I’m doing my best to get them out as quickly as I can. Page eight is already under construction, though I’m sure it’ll be a while before it’s complete.

Er Ar – Mace and Jackie

This is a picture drawn and colored by an artist known as Er Ar. The story behind this pic is that a couple months ago, Er approached me wanting to do an art trade. I wasn’t 100% on board with the idea, because I knew I likely wouldn’t be able to hold up my end of the trade any time soon, but Er talked me into it by promising that I could take all the time I needed. Predictably, other stuff kept getting in the way, to the point where I eventually offered to pay for the the other half (which was done pretty quickly) as a commission since I was worried about finishing my own. While Er at first told me that wouldn’t be necessary, I guess his financial situation changed and he accepted that arrangement. So I paid his commission price, and figured I might as well share the picture here with you guys.