The final Near Hentai Monthly Lady of 2017 is Android 21, the new character introduced in the upcoming game “Dragon Ball FighterZ”. Based on what I’ve seen of her in trailers and such she appears to be the main villain of the game, but I decided to pair her with Android 18. After so many years of being the only female android, it only seemed right to pair her with her new “sister”, even if she is evil (though we’ll see when the game comes out).
Now that this month’s entry is up, I’m going to start taking nominations for next month’s featured lady. The rules are pretty simple: Nominations are open to everyone, but only one per person. Nominees must be someone I have not drawn in the past year, though I recommend going with women I’ve never drawn before. Also, just this month, I won’t be posting any Dragon Ball women. I know Dragon Ball is popular around here, but the past two ladies have both been from that show and I would like a change of pace. On the first of January, I will use a random selector to generate a winner from the list of nominees, and sometime that month I’ll draw her.