Dragon Ball

PBX – More Mom Swapping

This is another Pandoras Box picture I was commissioned to color. Once again we see the boys trading their mothers a swimming pool, though this time they have little signs to go along with their naughty activities.

I’d always wanted to take a crack at this one, but I had been putting it off because I don’t have a lot of experience with water, especially bodies in water. I’m not one to shy away from a challenge, though, so I took this commission as an opportunity to try something relatively new to me. Hopefully my inexperience didn’t ruin the picture for anyone.

PBX – Mom Swap B

Before I start: Yes, I plan to color “Mom Swap A” at some point. This one came up first because it was commissioned.

I really like this picture, both by itself as well as my work on it. This is, of course, a Pandoras Box work, the original falling somewhere between a typical sketch and a fully-realized piece. Of course this allowed me a bit of leeway with the colors, though I tried to stick close to PBX’s look. I don’t have much else to say on this one, I’m afraid, other than I hope you like this swimming pool motif. It’ll be cropping up again soon.

PBX – Dragon Ball Gag

I have no idea what the actual name of this pic is, or if it even has one, so I titled this post after my favorite part of the picture. 🙂

This is the second of four Pandoras Box pictures I’ve been commissioned to color. I was happy to do this one, since it only exists in sketch form to my knowledge, and I feel working with rough drafts and sketches is something I can do better than many other colorists. Since I ink everything I color anyway, having only a sketch to work off of isn’t a hindrance for me at all.

I hope you guys are enjoying the influx of PBX colors, and I should be able to get the other two done and posted during the month of October. Peace!

PBX – Mothers on the Phone

I don’t know what the real name of this picture is, but my copy is called “DBZ Request 02”. 😀

Anyway, I’ve been commissioned to color four of Pandoras Box’s pictures, and this is the first of them. After checking with PBX to make sure it’s okay (it is, PBX is awesome), I’m releasing this first one. There are certain advantages to commissioning a color job, beyond being able to hand-pick the pictures I color. One of them is getting a say in what colors are used, for example this picture uses blue eye shadow due to the specifications of the commissioner.

Anyway, I can’t say there’s any specific schedule for when the other three pictures will be done, but I hope to release them sooner rather than later. Coloring PBX usually takes longer than my average colorization, because I want to take extra time to try and maintain the original shading (including subtleties, which I sometimes have to look really close to pick out) and details.

Bulma, Starfire & Katara

So… this is kind of an interesting story, I guess. First off, let me be clear that this is not part of the CrossOver Yuri series I used to do (and would like to resume at some point). No, this has a different origin. I was hanging out with two of my friends (who shall remain anonymous), and had a “brilliant” idea. You see, I have on my laptop a 29 GB folder full of pictures grabbed from Reddit, 4chan and various other places that I use either for reference or inspiration in my work. I let one friend choose a picture from this folder, and then (without showing him the picture) let the other choose which characters would fill the roles. This picture is the end result. Coming at some point will be another picture where we repeated the process, but my friends traded jobs in the selection process.

Despite the silly origin, I actually like this picture a whole lot. Sure, there’s no reason for these three characters to be together, but I like it anyway. Hopefully you will, too.

PBX – Calling King Kai

One of the things that excites me most about coloring Pandoras Box’s work is the chance to take some of the sketches floating around and really flesh them out. PBX has a huge archive of work, and a lot of them are just sketches without the fine-tuning you’d expect from a finished piece. Since I do all of my work on top of the original, I can work with these as well as I can the finished ones, with similar results. That’s what this one is, and I’m very happy with it. Hopefully you guys will be happy with it, too.

I can’t stress enough how great PBX has been about these colors, either. It’s really been a pleasure, and I look forward to doing many more colors like the ones you’ve seen so far in the future.

PBX – Videl Sketch

This is probably the only pencil work where I can keep some of the original sketch material. I really like this pic, even if I didn’t actually ink and color the “good” parts. This one, to my knowledge, never got fully shaded by PBX. I’m hoping to do more of those sketches floating around the ‘net in the future.

I love working with Pandoras Box’s work. I hope I’ll be able to do a lot more with PBX’s old stuff; I’ve set aside a lot of them to ink and color in the future.

PBX – Home With the Boys

I contacted Pandora’s Box (still one of my favorite artists after so many years), asking for permission to post and share some colorizations. I was given the go ahead, so here’s the first of what I hope will be many PBX colors.

Like with DTiberius, I inked and colored the whole thing. I know most colorists prefer to keep the original pencil work and lay it over the colors (I have some old PBX colors I did a few years ago where I did just that), but I don’t personally like how that looks. The pencils look great, no mistake, but something about placing them over the colors distorts the colors in a way I don’t like. Even colorizing the original work leaves me unsatisfied, so I take the tedious task of inking on top of coloring instead. I hope you all enjoy the final product.

Iwasaki Tatsuya – Walking in on the Mooks

This is a pic by Iwasaki Tatsuya I colored. I really like Tatsuya-sama’s art style, he did a comic called “Monsterlog” that I loved when I was younger. If there was an English version, I would probably color it, too. His style is very unique, which may make it less palatable for some but it’s what draws me to his work. Hopefully I’ll get the opportunity to color his work again.

As for the picture itself, I’ve always been fond of Mai. I like that hairstyle, which is why I’m also pretty fond of Chi-Chi and Twilight Sparkle (among others). There’s a really good comic featuring Mai I would like to color someday, but unfortunately it can take some time to work through a whole comic.

Bijob #2 – Androids

Here’s the second pic of my Bijob series. Sorry this took so long, I know a number of you were looking forward to it, but this image went through several drafts before I settled on this one. I don’t know why, but I had a hard time getting an angle I was happy with. Truth be told, I’m still not crazy about it, but it’s definitely the best of the ones I turned out.

I wanted to do one with Android #18 and her twin brother, #17 from Dragonball Z. Once I had decided on them, it seemed natural to make the receiving guy (who may not always be a character from the property, but in this case is) Krillin, #18’s husband. We don’t see much of #17 after they marry, but it’s implied in GT (for those who consider it canon) that he lived in the woods after being revived by Shenron. I suppose it’s possible that between the Cell and Buu sagas he paid his sister and her husband a visit, though I can’t say I’m terribly worried about making this picture fit into continuity. 😀