This is the final page of the poem/story, but the penultimate page of the comic itself. This was Ccat’s idea, and I thought it’d be a fun change of pace, so in this page we discover that Santa’s hasty and forgetful departure that lead to his wife filling in was not actually due to him being inebriated. Rather, he was in a hurry to discover a present for himself under the Cox family tree.
This page was left a bit more open for CCat. Basically, she had free range to do any sort of montage she felt like, which is why some of what you see here isn’t described in the poem.
So Mrs. Claus may have had some concerns, but in this page we get to see Jackie’s sweet nature and how he uses it in his and Mace’s adventures. Now our holiday matriarch is double-stuffed, and she seems to be enjoying it.
In this page of my collaboration with CCat, Jackie blows his load all over Mrs. Claus’s face. He’s not done, though, and Mace knows it. Switching underneath her, he opens up a second hole for his friend to use.
Okay, so here’s the fifth page of my comic collaboration with CCat. This page gives a little bit of insight to Mrs. Claus’ thoughts on the developments so far, which we’ve been missing, but the cheeky Mace is pretty good at bringing out the slut in older women.
Here’s the fourth page of my collaboration with CCat! In this page Jackie jumps into the fray, and our saintly Mrs. Claus now has two shota cocks to gorge on. Mace still has that vision of her bending over in front of him in his head, though, and so he decides to go have some fun with that thicc booty.
Here’s our third page of CCat and mine’s collab comic. Mace is a smooth operator, and before she even knows what’s going on, he’s got Mrs. Claus stripped down and on her knees. With such a good situation developing, he of course texts his best friend Jackie. Jackie knows how to respond to a call to action from Mace, and wastes absolutely not time in booking it over to his house.
So here’s the second page of my comic collaboration with CCat! On this page, Mace sees that it was in fact Mrs. Claus entering his home in the previous page (the title spoiled this, I know). He instinctively hides, and ends up with quite the view as a result.
So, let me tell you all a story. In the fall of 2017 I started work on a parody of ” A Visit from St. Nicholas” (also known as “‘Twas the Night Before Christmas”). Then my Google account got shut down, as you all probably remember, and with it I lost access to my Google Docs. With the poem gone, I ended up scrapping the project, which would’ve been a series of images with the poem over it. I eventually got my account back, and around that time I began discussing the project with my friend CCat. She loved the idea, and we began conspiring to work together on another attempt at it.
So here we are, about ten months after we started discussing it. CCat did all the art for this (excluding the coloring), while the poem is mine. I hope you all will enjoy this comic, and here is the first page. ^_^
Also, here’s a new episode of “Near Talk” where I discuss leaving comments and how I (as an artists) tend to engage different types of comments: