Tag Archives: Dragon Ball Z

PBX – Videl Sketch

This is probably the only pencil work where I can keep some of the original sketch material. I really like this pic, even if I didn’t actually ink and color the “good” parts. This one, to my knowledge, never got fully shaded by PBX. I’m hoping to do more of those sketches floating around the ‘net in the future.

I love working with Pandoras Box’s work. I hope I’ll be able to do a lot more with PBX’s old stuff; I’ve set aside a lot of them to ink and color in the future.

COY 13 – Kallen/Chi-Chi

COY stands for Cross Over Yuri. The premise is pretty simple, I have a list I’ve compiled of over 500 cute girls from various anime and manga. I then use a random number generator to make pairing, which I then draw. Every third picture is a threesome.

With this, I am officially caught up on COY here. I’m working on #14, but it could be a while still before it’s up.

I kind of like this one, although in hindsight I wish I could’ve done something more dynamic with it. I’m getting close to being able to draw without photo references, but I’m not quite there yet. Unfortunately, that means a lot of what I do is based on what sort of reference pics I can find, and creativity is the victim. 🙁

Ogata Satomi – Aim at Planet Namek!

This was my first coloring project, which is why it’s one of the few times you’ll see me post a colorization here that I didn’t collaborate with the original artist on. Such a venture would have been impossible in this case, anyway.

Aim at Planet Namek! is an old doujin, one of the first I ever read. Here I not only splashed color onto it, but also reworked the dialogue to make it easier to read.