Yuji’s appeared a few times with Eren in different pics at this point, so I figured if there was any good candidate to be someone outside of his initial friend group he’d open up to, it’d be him. I don’t have much of an idea about how their dynamic would play, though, so I focused this Ask instead on Eren.
This is a Lord Tier commission, and I made a deal with this Subscriber for him to pay a little extra to use three characters. I don’t plan to do this often, and I’ll have to pre-approve any commissions before doing it, but in this case it was for a simple little jerk-off pic. The main focus here was on the size of the cocks involved, wanting to kinds show off his boys I guess. These three all have some history in the Studio, too, and I hope y’all will enjoy seeing them together like this.
This is a Master Mini Commission for one of my Master Tier Subscribers. Pretty simple stuff here, they just wanted to see three of their favorite characters together. So we’ve got season four Eren Jaeger, Yuji Itadori, and Vegeta. Yuji seemed like a good one to have split in the middle of the other two, replacing Anya from his last crossover threesome with Eren.
This is gonna be a hard one to explain. So, on my SubscribeStar Discord, there’s occasionally talk about this guy or that guy, usually characters people see as tops who I don’t have much interest in one way or another. A way I’ll respond is to suggest pairing them with Anya Forger, a beloved character who not everyone is thrilled about lewding. It was one of those things that was sort of a joke, sort of not, but more and more people got on board with the idea of Anya having this harem of studly guys in the Studio. One character that came up in this manner a lot was the season four version of Eren Jaeger, hence why he’s here. However, I had this idea of drawing Anya kinda suspended between two cocks, like a certain scene in Kuroinu, and so I threw Yuji in as well. Before I drew him, he’d also come up a few times as a hypothetical partner for Anya, plus I know a lot of people like to pair them up in a big brother sort of way due to their hair colors. I always figured if I drew Anya it’d be in a pic with Yor, and I’d still like to do that eventually, but I do also like this idea of Anya getting all these big dicks to herself (sort of like how she keeps getting edited into other anime and manga in memes). I don’t have a concrete framework for a series on this theme or anything, but don’t be surprised if she shows up with seemingly random dudes down the line.